Recherche – Gramophone virtuel

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3 résultat(s) trouvé(s) pour « Jones,Grandpa,1913-1998. ».
TitreInterprèteÉtiquette générique
You ain't seen nothin' yet /Grandpa Jones. You're never too old for love / Cy Coben.Grandpa Jones (You ain't seen nothin' yet). Grandpa Jones (You're never too old for love)
Pap's corn likker still /Grandpa Jones. Bread and gravy / Dwight Latham ; June Raff ; Moe JaffeGrandpa Jones (Pap's corn likker still). Grandpa Jones (Bread and gravy)
Old rattler's son /Grandpa Jones. Dear old sunny south by the sea / Jimmy Rodgers ; E. E. CozzensGrandpa Jones (Old rattler's son). Grandpa Jones (Dear old sunny south by the sea)
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