Recherche – Gramophone virtuel

Numéro d'OCLC
Vedette d'interprète
Burr, Henry.
Hart, Charles, 1884-1965.
Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra (Oh! How I wish I could sleep until my daddy comes home); Charles Hart, tenor with orchestra (There's nobody home but me).
Oh! How I wish I could sleep until my daddy comes home / Lewis, Young, [lyrics] ; Wendling, [music]. There's nobody home but me / Sam Ehrlich, [lyrics] ; Con Conrad., [music]
Vedette de compositeur
Wendling, Pete, 1888-1974.
Lewis, Sam M., 1885-1959.
Young, Joe, 1889-1939.
Conrad, Con, 1891-1938.
Étiquette transcrite
His Master's Voice, Victor
Numéro de matrice
Numéro d'album
[6] ( B-22223)
[6] (B-22227)
Remarques sur l'enregistrement
Recorded: [11 Sep 1918, Camden, NJ] ( B-22223-6)
Recorded: [13 Sep 1918, Camden, NJ] (B-22227-6)
Acoustic recording.
Oh! How I wish I could sleep until my daddy comes home ( B-22223-6) ; There's nobody home but me (B-22227-6)
Discographical reference: Discography of American Historical Recordings, UC Santa Barbara,, matrix numbers, take numbers, recording dates, recording locations.
Distributor: Berliner Gram-o-phone Co. Limited, Montreal.
Issue type: primary label.
Bat wing label.
1 audio disc : analog, 78 rpm, mono ; 10 in.
Populaire (musique)
World War, 1914-1918
Popular music
Songs, English.
Chansons anglaises.
Guerre mondiale, 1914-1918
Musique populaire
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