Recherche – Gramophone virtuel

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19 résultat(s) trouvé(s) pour « Morgan, Carey,1885-1960. ».
TitreInterprèteÉtiquette générique
Mon soleil d'Hawaii = [enregistrement sonore] / My hawaiian sunshine [Gilbert, paroles et musique] ; [Morgan, paroles et musique].Les quatre hawaiiens.Compo.
I'm glad I can make you cry / Chas. R. McCarron ; Carey Morgan.Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra.Victor.
Oh! You la! La! / Tush ; sung by Harry Fox. Keep your head down "Fritzie boy" / Gitz Rice, Morgan ; sung by Arthur Fields ; Peerless Quartette.Harry Fox, vocals (Side A) ; Arthur Fields, baritone (Side B) ; Peerless Quartette (Side B).Columbia
My Hawaiian sunshine / L. Wolfe Gilbert ; Carey Morgan.Albert Campbell ; Henry Burr ; Louise ; Ferera, Hawaiian guitars.Berliner.
I'm glad I can make you cry / Chas. R. McCarron ; Carey Morgan.Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra.Berliner.
Our country's in it now / Empey ; McCarron ; Morgan.Orpheus Quartet, male quartet with orchestra.Victor.
Our country's in it now / Empey ; McCarron ; Morgan.Orpheus Quartet, male quartet with orchestra.Berliner.
Oh! Helen ; London Town / [Charles R. McCarron] ; [Carey Morgan].W. Eckstein's Strand Trio, violin, piano and xylophone.Berliner.
Your lips are no man's land but mine / Empey ; McCarron ; Morgan.Albert Campbell ; Henry Burr, duet with orchestra.Victor.
My Hawaiian sunshine / L. Wolfe Gilbert ; Carey Morgan.Albert Campbell ; Henry Burr ; Louise ; Ferera, Hawaiian guitars.Victor.
Your lips are no man's land but mine / McCarron and Morgan ; sung by Campbell and Burr. When I send you a picture of Berlin / Fay, Ryan and Dreyer ; sung by Arthur Fields and Peerless Quartette.Campell and Burr, vocals (Side A), Arthur Fields and the Peerless Quartette, vocals (Side B).Columbia.
After you've gone / Creamer, Layton. I'm glad I can make you cry / Chas. R. McCarron, Carey Morgan.Marion Harris, comedienne, with orchestra [side a] ; Henry Burr, tenor, with orchestra [side b].Victor.
Blues (my naughty sweetie gives to me) / Swanstone ; McCarron ; Morgan.Harry Raderman's Novelty Orchestra.Berliner.
Your lips are no man's land but mine / Empey ; McCarron ; Morgan.Albert Campbell ; Henry Burr, duet with orchestra.Berliner.
Keep your head down Fritzie boy / Lieutenant Gitz Rice ; Morgan.Arthur Fields, baritone ; Peerless Quartette, male quartette with orchestra accomapniment.Columbia
The Broadway blues / Carey Morgan.Melody Men.Berliner.
Bobby the bomber / Chas. R. MacCarron ; Carey Morgan.Bryon G. Harlan.Okeh.
Bobby the bomber / McCarron and Morgan ; sung by Byron G. Harlan. What Yankee Doodle says he'll do, he'll do / Harriman ; sung by Perrless Quartette.Byron Harlan, vocals (Side A) ; Peerless Quartette, vocals (Side B).Columbia
Your lips are no man's land but mine / Empey ; McCaroon ; Morgan.George Gordon ; Robert Bruce, tenor duet with orchestra accompaniment.
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