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184 résultat(s) trouvé(s) pour « Henderson. ».
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Si j'avais une vue parlante de vous = [enregistrement sonore] / If I had a talking picture of you Nel, [traducteur] ; Da [i.e. De] Sylva, paroles anglaise ; Brown, paroles anglaise ; Henderson, musique.Odilon Rochon, baryton avec piano.Compo.
Cher enfant : [enregistrement sonore] / sur l'air "Sonny boy" Poirier ; de Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson ; [Jolson].Georges Beauchemin, baryton avec violon, 'cello et piano.Victor.
Cher enfant = [enregistrement sonore] / Sonny boy Jolson ; de Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Louis Chartier, baritone [baryton] avec accompagnement d'orchestre.Brunswick.
Georgette [enregistrement sonore] / Henderson, musique ; [Brown, paroles anglaises].Hector Pellerin, baryton français avec orchestre.Victor.
Mon p ' tit gars (Sonny boy) / Beaudry ; Jolson ; DeSylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Paul Payan de l'opéra de Paris, basse avec piano & violon.
Sonny boy / Jolson ; De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Leo Le Sieur, pipe organ.
Frenesi / Dominguez ; F. Henderson.Benny Goodman and his orchestra.
Tous les deux : [enregistrement sonore] / sur l'air de "Together" Poirier, [traducteur?] ; Henderson, musique.Fernand Perron, ténor avec orchestre.Victor.
If I had a talking picture of you = Unn pelicula parlante de ti / De Sylva ;Brown ; Henderson.Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra.
Mon enfant = [enregistrement sonore] / Little pal Beaudry, [traducteur?] ; Jolson ; Henderson ; [De Sylva] ; [Brown].Jean Cartier, baryton avec violon et piano.Compo.
Mon p'tit gars = [enregistrement sonore] / Sonny boy Beaudry, paroles françaises ; Jolson, musique et paroles ; De Sylva, musique et paroles ; Brown, musique et paroles ; Henderson, musique et paroles?.Paul Payan, basse avec piano et violon.Compo.
Bon soir-- chérie [enregistrement sonore] / Poirier-McHugh ; [interprété par] Roméo Mousseau. Tonia : sur l'air de "My Tonia" / Poirier-De Sylva-Brown-Henderson ; [interprété par] Roméo Mousseau.Roméo Mousseau, ténor avec violon, 'cello et piano.Victor.
Petit ami : [enregistrement sonore] / sur l'air de "Little pal" Deyglun [traducteur] ; Jolson ; De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Donat Brunet, ténor avec orchestre.Victor.
Tonia : [enregistrement sonore] / sur l'air de "My Tonia" Poirier, [traducteur?] ; de Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Roméo Mousseau, ténor avec piano, 'cello et piano.Victor.
Cher enfant = [enregistrement sonore] / [Sonny boy] Alarie, S. ; [Jolson, A.] ; [De Sylva, B.G.] ; [Brown, L.] ; [Henderson, R.].Quatuor Canadien ; Émile Lamarre, solo.Victor.
Georgette [enregistrement sonore] / Beaudry-Henderson ; [interprété par] Mons. J.H. Germain. Vous serez aimée : sur l'air de "Stumbling" / Jean Nel-Confrey ; [interprété par] Mons. J.H. Germain.Mons. J.H. Germain, baryton avec orchestre.Starr.
Don Giovanni. Recitativo, act 2 : Dunque quello sei tu ; Aria : Ah, pieta! signor miell ; Recitativo : Ferma, perfido, ferma! / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Helletsgruber ; Pataky ; Henderson ; Baccaloni ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Ensemble = [enregistrement sonore] / Together Beaudry, traducteur ; De Sylva, paroles anglaises ; Brown, paroles anglaises ; Henderson, musique.Albert Marier, baryton avec orchestre.Compo.
Cher enfant - Sonny boy [enregistrement sonore] / Jolson ; deSylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Louis Chartier, Baritone [i.e. Baryton] avec accompagnement d'orchestre.Brunswick.
Bonjour, l'amour : [enregistrement sonore] / sur l'air de "Bye bye blackbird" Beaudry, traducteur ; Dixon, paroles anglaises ; Henderson, musique.Jacques Fournier.Compo.
Mon p'tit gars (Sonny boy) / Beaudry, Jolson, DeSylva, Brown & Henderson.Paul Payan de l'opéra de Paris, basse avec piano & violon.
Pourquoi l'ai-je-embrassé? = [enregistrement sonore] / Why did I kiss that girl? Beaudry, traducteur ; Brown, paroles anglaises ; King, musique ; Henderson, musique.Alex. Desmarteau, avec piano.Starr.
En souvenir : [enregistrement sonore] / sur l'air de "Just a memory" Poirier, [traducteur] ; Henderson, musique.Fernand Perron, ténor avec orchestre.Victor.
Quand on rêve = [enregistrement sonore] / I'm a dreamer, aren't we all? Beaudry [traducteur] ; Henderson, musique.Jean Cartier, baryton avec violon et piano.Compo.
Pourquoi l'ai-je-embrassé? = [enregistrement sonore] / Why did I kiss that girl? Beaudry, traducteur ; Brown, paroles anglaises ; King, musique ; Henderson, musique.Alex. Desmarteau, avec piano.Starr.
Where the dreamy Wabash flows / Cliff Friend ; Abel Baer ; [performed by] Peerless Quartet. Follow the swallow / Rose, Dixon ; Henderson ; [performed by] Peerless Quartet.Peerless Quartet (Albert Campbell and Henry Burr, tenors; Frank Croxton and John H. Meyer, basses; with orchestra conducted by Charles Adams Prince).
Together / DeSylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians.
An old sombrero : (and an old Spanish shawl) / Lew Brown - Ray Henderson, [performed by] Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians, vocal chorus by Kenny Gardner. You're dangerous, cherie, from Warner Bros. picture "To the victor" / Louiguy - Mack David, [performed by] Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians, vocal chorus by Don Rodney.Guy Lombardo ; Kenny Gardner ; Don Rodney ; Royal Canadians.
Why did I kiss that girl? / Brown ; King ; Henderson.Lucky Strike Dance Orchestra.
Don't tell him / Brown ; De Sylva ; Henderson.Jaye P. Morgan ; Orchestra and chorus ; Frank de Vol, conductor.
Just a memory = Solo un recuerdo / Henderson, De Sylva and Brown ; [performed by] Harold Leonard and his Waldorf-Astoria Orch. Joy bells = Campanas de alegría / Friend and Santly ; [performed by] Harold Leonard and his Waldorf-Astoria Orch.Harold Leonard and his Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra; Elliott Shaw, vocals (side A); Vaughn De Leath, vocals (side B).
Together = Unidos / De Sylva, Brown, Henderson. Dear, on a night like this = Oh, en una noche come ésta! / Irving Caesar, Con Conrad.Waring's Pennsylvanians, vocal refrain by Tom Waring [side a] ; the Troubadours, vocal refrain by Elliott Shaw [side b].
Don Giovanni. Recitativo Di molti faci il lume = Surely advancing torches ; Sestet. Part 1 : Sola, sola in bujo loco = In the solemn hush / [Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Baccaloni ; Helletsgruber ; Pataky ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Co. ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
A Shropshire lad ; Look not in my eyes / poem by A.E. Housman ; music by George Butterworth.Roy Henderson ; Gerald Moore, piano.
Sonny boy : theme song of the motion picture "The singing fool" / Jolson ; De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Leo Le Sieur, pipe organ.
Humming / Breau ; Henderson.Rega Orchestra ; Nathan Glantz, saxophone solo.Berliner.
Little pal : from Al Jolson's talking picture "Say it with songs" / DaSylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Jack Carroll, tenor solo with orch.
Together / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Clarence Sherman's Orchestra.
A Shropshire lad : The lads in their hundreds / music by George Butterworth ; poem by A. E. Housman.Roy Henderson ; Gerald Moore.
Bye, bye blackbird / Mort Dixon ; Ray Henderson.George Olsen and his Music.
Gems from "Follow thru" / Brown ; Henderson ; De Sylva.Victor Light Opera Group, with orchestra.
Don Giovanni. Recitativo, Dunque quello sei tu = It was then at thy hands, act 2 ; Aria Ah, pieta! signori miei! = Tongue or blows, I merit neither ; Recitativo, Ferma, perfido, ferma! = Stay thee, wicked one / [Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Helletsgruber ; Pataky ; Roy Henderson ; Salvatore Baccaloni ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Humming / Breau [Lew] ; Henderson.Sullivan's Orchestra.Compo.
Don Giovanni. Finale. Part 5 : Ah! dov' è il perfido? = Where lurks the murderer? / [Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Helletsgruber ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Pataky ; Henderson ; Baccaloni ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Co. ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
The Henderson Stomp Henderson.Fletcher Henderson; His Orchestra.
You try somebody else / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Chick Bullock, vocal with orchestra accompaniment.
Bye-bye, blackbird / Dixon ; Henderson.The Midnight Serenaders ; Mel. Hughes, vocal chorus.
Don Giovanni. Aria, act 1, Con. : Pace, pace, o vita mia! ; Recitativo, act 1 : Guarda un po ; Finale, act 1. Part 1 Presto, presto / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Henderson ; Brownlee ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.His Master's Voice.
A Shropshire Lad. Music By George Butterworth; Poem By A F Housthan.Roy Henderson; Gerald Moore.
The beggar's opera. If any wench venus' girdle wear ; Our Polly is a sad slut ; Can love be controlled by advice ; O Polly, you might have toyed and kissed / John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederic Austin, arrangement.Audrey Mildmay ; Roy Henderson ; Michael Mudie, with orchestra.Victor.
The song I love = La cancion que yo amo / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson ; Conrad.Waring's Pennsylvanians ; Fred Waring, vocal refrain ; [George Culley, trumpet] ; [Fred Culley, violin].Victor.
The beggar's opera. Thus gamesters united ; The modes of the court ; In the days of my youth ; A curse attends that woman's love / John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederic Austin, arrangement.Joseph Farrington ; Bruce Flegg ; Michael Redgrave ; Alys Brough ; Roy Henderson ; Audrey Mildmay ; Linda Gray ; Michael Mudie.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Sestet (concluded), Perdon, perdono! = O sirs, forgive me / [Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Baccaloni ; Helletsgruber ; Pataky ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Co. ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Little pal / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Jack Carroll.
My papa doesn't two-time no time : fox trot / Donaldson. Charley, my boy : fox trot / Kahn, lyrics ; Fiorito, musicSix Black Diamonds (My papa doesn't two-time no time) ; Fletcher Henderson and his band (Charley, my boy)
Don Giovanni. Canzonetta, act, 2 : Deh vieni alla finestra ; Recitativo, Act 2 : Ve gente alla finestra / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Brownlee ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.His Master's Voice.
Just a memory / DeSylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Jan Garber and his Orchestra ; Russ Brown, vocal chorus.
Broken hearted / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Lanin and His Orchestra ; Irv. Kaufman, vocal chorus.
Why can't you : from Al Jolson's talking picture "Say it with songs" / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson ; Jolson.Jack Carroll, tenor solo with orchestra.
Ensemble, or, Together / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Lionel Parent.
Sonny boy / Jolson ; De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Jack Carroll.
Button up your overcoat / Brown ; Henderson ; DeSylva.Bobolinks.
Don Giovanni. Finale, act 2 (conclusion) : Io men vado in un ritiro / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Helletsgruber ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Baccaloni ; Pataky ; Souez ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Birth of the blues / Brown ; Henderson ; DeSylva.George Wright, at the New York Paramount Theatre organ.
When I close my eyes and dream = Cuando cierro mis ojos y sueño / Abel ; [performed by] Will Osborne & his orchestra. So beats my heart for you (from "Rah, rah, daze") = Así late mi corazón por tí / Ballard - Henderson - Waring ; [performed by] Will Osborne & his orchestra.Will Osborne ; Will Osborne Orchestra.
That old gang of mine. / Rose, Dixon, Henderson. Hi lee hi lo / Eugene West, Ira Schuster.Billy Murray and Ed Smalle, duet with orchestra.
Nobody : from "Strike up the band" / Edens ; arr. Sauter. Henderson stomp / F. Henderson ; arr. F. Henderson.Benny Goodman and his orchestra, performers ; Helen Forrest, vocal chorus (1st work).
Together / DeSylva ; Brown ; Hnderson.Dick Todd, baritone with orchestra.
The beggar's opera. 1. Overture, orch. ; 2. Thro' all the employments of life ; 3.'Tis woman that seduces all mankind / John Gay ; Pepusch ; Frederic Austin, new version.Audrey Mildmay ; Roy Henderson ; Bruce Flegg ; Michael Mudie.Victor.
Together / DeSylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Ferera's Hawaiians (Hawaiian guitar with vocal chorus).
Just a memory / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Hollywood Dance Orchestra ; Fain ; Dunn, vocal chorus.
You're the cream in my coffee : from "Hold everything" / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Jack Carroll, tenor with orchestra.
I'm sitting on top of the world (just rolling along - just rolling along) / Lewis, lyrics ; Young, lyrics ; Henderson, music.Vera Guilaroff.Compo.
Together / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Danny Yates, violin solo.
If I had a talking picture of you : from "Sunny side up" / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Powell Case, tenor solo.
The beggar's opera. Cease your funning ; Why, how now, madam flirt ; No power on earth / John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederick Austin, arrangement.Roy Henderson ; Joseph Farrington ; Linda Gray ; Audrey Mildmay ; Michael Mudie, conductor and orchestra.Victor.
You're the cream in my coffee : from "Hold everything" / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Hew Sterling's Orchestra, with vocal chorus.
A Shropshire lad ; Is my team ploughing? / poem by A.E. Housman ; music by George Butterworth.Roy Henderson ; Gerald Moore, piano.
Don Giovanni. Aria, act 1 : Ho capito ; Recitativo : Alfin siam liberati / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Roy Henderson ; Brownlee ; Mildmay ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Why did I kiss that girl? / Brown ; King ; Henderson.Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra.
The beggar's opera. 1. A fox may steal your hens, sir ; 2. O ponder well ; 3. The turtle thus with plaintive crying / John Gay ; Pepusch ; Frederic Austin, new version.Henderson ; A. Mildmay ; Michael Mudie, conductor, with orchestra.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Finale, act 2 : Ah! dov' è il perfido? / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Helletsgruber ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Pataky ; Henderson ; Baccaloni ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
I'm a dreamer : Aren't we all : from "Sunny side up" / Brown ; Henderson ; De Sylva.Vincent Lopez and his Orchestra.
Breakaway : from Fox "Movietone follies of 1929" / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Lloyd Hall and his Orchestra.
Little pal : from the picture "Say it with songs" / Jolson ; De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.George Epstein, pipe organ ; Wee Willie Robyn, vocal chorus.
Don Giovanni. Finale, act 1. Part 2 : Tra quest' arbori celata / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Brownlee, Henderson ; Helletsgruber, Pataky ; Souez ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, cond.His Master's Voice.
My sin / Brown ; Henderson ; De Sylva.Waring's Pennsylvanians.
Good news : The varsity drac / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Cass Hagan, and his Parck Central Hotel Orchestra.
The best things in life are free : from picture "good news" / Brown ; Henderson ; DeSylva.Ink Spots, with instrumental accompaniment.
A Shropshire lad : Is my team ploughing? / poem by A. E. Housman ; music by George Butterworth.Roy Henderson ; Gerald Moore.
That's your umbrella when it rains / L. Brown ; R. Henderson.Balley Sisters, Ben Bernie and his orchestra.
Blue grass / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Pagoda Dance Orchestra.
Ensemble = Together / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Lionel Parent, baryton avec orchestre.
If you hadn't gone away / Brown ; Rose ; Henderson.Nick Lucas.
The beggar's opera. 1. Cease your funning ; 2. Why, how now, madam flirt ; 3. No power on earth / John Gay ; Pepusch ; Frederic Austin, new version.Roy Henderson ; Joseph Farrington ; Linda Gray ; Audrey Mildmay ; Michael Mudie, conductor and orchestra.Victor.
Why can't you : from Al Jolson's talking picture "Say it with songs" / DeSylva ; Brown ; Henderson ; Jolson.Lloyd Hall and his orchestra, with vocal chorus.
The beggar's opera. Thus gamesters united ; The modes of the court ; In the days of my youth ; A curse attends that women's love / John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederick Austin, arrangement.J. Farrington ; B. Flegg ; M. Redgrave & chorus ; A. Brough, R. Henderson ; Audrey Mildmay ; Linda Gray ; Michael Mudie, conductor and orchestra.Victor.
Together : from picture "Since you went away" / DeSylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians ; Tony Craig, voc chorus.
Cher enfant = [Sonny boy] / Poiner ; de Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Georges Beauchemin.
Little pal / Desylva ; Brown ; Henderson ; Jolson.Three Hawaiians.
Broadway : from "Manhattan Mary" / Henderson.Performed by Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra.
Broken hearted / De Sylva ; Brown ;Henderson.Jack Carroll, tenor with orchestra.
Every once in a while / Mort Dixon ; Ray Henderson.Jan Garber and his orchestra ; Lee Bennett.
Bye-bye, blackbird / Dixon ; Henderson.Perry's Rhythm Kings ; Arthur Hall, vocal chorus.
My song / Brown ; Henderson.Phil Spitalny and his orchestra ; Chick Bullock.
I'm in love with you that's why / Mort Dixon ; Ray Henderson ; [performed by] Jim Miller, Charlie Farrell. Blue bonnet : you make me feel blue / Bryan ; Wending, Richman ; [performed by] Jim Miller, Charlie Farrell.Jim Miller and Charlie Farrell, vocals.
Why did I kiss that girl? / Brown ; King ; Henderson.Lucky Strike Dance Orchestra.
The beggar's opera. If any wench venus' girdle wear ; Our Polly is a sad slut ; Can love be controlled by advice ; O Polly, you might have toyed and kissed / John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederic Austin, arrangement.Audrey Mildmay ; Roy Henderson ; Michael Mudie, with orchestra.Victor.
Follow the swallow / Dixon ; Henderson ; Rose.George Olsen and his music.
Don Giovanni. Aria, Ho capito ; Recitativo : Alfin siam liberati / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Roy Henderson ; Brownlee ; Mildmay ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
The beggar's opera. When you censure the age ; Is then his fate decreed ; How happy I could be with either ; I'm bubbled, I'm bubbled / John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederic Austin, arrangement.R. Henderson ; J. Farrington ; L. Gray ; M. Redgrave ; A. Mildmay ; M. Mudie, conductor and orchestra.His Master's Voice.
An Old Sombrero Lew Brown; Ray Henderson.Phil Brito; Ted Dale & Orchestra.
Don Giovanni : Duet & chorus : Giovinette, che fate / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Henderson ; Brownlee ; Baccaloni ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Little pal : from the motion picture "Say it with songs" / De Sylva ; Brown ; Hnederson ; Jolson.Three Hawaiians, Hawaiian guitars.
Together : featured in David O. Selznick production "Since you went away" / B. G. DeSylva ; Lew Brown ; Ray Henderson.Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians ; Tony Craig, vocal chorus.
Don Giovanni. Aria, act 2 : Meta di voi qua vadano ; Recitativo, act 2 : Zitto, lascia ch'io senta / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Brownlee ; Henderson ; Mildmay ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
The beggar's opera. When you censure the age ; Is then his fate decreed ; How happy I could be with either ; I'm bubbled, I'm bubbled / John Gay ; Pepusch ; Frederick Austin, new version.Roy Henderson ; Joseph Farrington ; Linda Gray ; Michael Redgrave ; Audrey Mildmay ; Michael Mudie, conductor and orchestra.Victor.
Little pal : from Al. Jolson's talking picture "Say it with songs" / De Sylva ; Brown ; Hnederson.Jack Carroll, tenor solo with orchestra.
(That's just my way of) forgetting you / De Sylva ; Lew Brown ; Henderson.Paul Weston and his orchestra ; The Norman Luboff.
Don Giovanni. Finale, act 1. Part 5 : Ricominciate il suono! / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Brownlee ; Baccaloni ; Pataky ; Helletsgruber ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.His Master's Voice.
My sin = Mi pecado : fox trot / De Sylva, Brown, Henderson. When my dreams come true = Cuando se realicen mis sueños : fox trot : from Paramount pIcture "Cocoanuts" / Irving Berlin.Waring's Pennsylvanians ; vocal refrain by Clare Hanlon (1st work) ; vocal refrain (2nd work).
Don Giovanni. Act 2, Recitativo : Di molte faci il lume ; Sestet : Sola, sola in bujo loco / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Baccaloni ; Helletsgruber ; Pataky ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Bye-bye, blackbird / Dixon ; Henderson.Irving Kaufman, tenor with orch.
Deep night / Valle ; Henderson.Pierrot Syncopators.
One And Two Blues Brooks.Bessie Smith; Blue Boys; Joe Smith; Buster Bailey; Fletcher Henderson.
Bye-bye, blackbird / Dixon ; Henderson.The Midnight Serenaders ; Mel. Hughes.
Five foot two, eyes of blue (has anybody seen my girl) / Ray Henderson - Sam Lewis - Joe Young [performed by] Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians ; Fox trot vocal chorus by Kenny Gardner and the Lombardo Trio. You can't buy happiness / Gene Schwartz - Ed Scalzi - Pat Noto [performed by] Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians ; Fox trot vocal chorus by Kenny Gardner.Guy Lombardo ; Kenny Gardner ; Royal Canadians ; Lombardo Trio.
Follow the swallow : fox trot = suivons l'hirondelle / Dixon ; Henderson ; Rose.George Olsen and his music ; Paul Whiteman, and his orchestra.
Deep night / Charles Henderson ; Rudy Vallée. Nobody's fault but your own / Alan Murray ; Ray Noble.Bob Nolan.
Sonny boy : from the Al Jolson's big hit "The singing fool" / Jolson ; De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Jack Carroll, tenor with orch.
Peter Pan : I love you / Robert King, Ray Henderson ; [performed by] Henry Burr. West of the great divide / George Whiting ; Ernest R. Ball ; [performed by] Henry Burr.Side A: Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra ; Side B: Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra (Charles Adam Prince, conductor).
Sonny boy : from Al. Jolson's big hit "The singing fool" / DeSylva ; Brown ; Henderson ; Jolson.Jack Carroll (tenor with orchestra).
Humming / Breau [Lew] ; Henderson.Sullivan's Orchestra.Compo.
A Shropshire lad : Think no more, lad / music by George Butterworth ; poem by A. E. Housman.Roy Henderson ; Gerald Moore.
If I had a talking picture of you / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Jack Crawford, tenor with orch.
The Beggar's opera. A fox may steel your hens, sir ; O ponder well ; The turtle thus with plaintive crying / John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederic Austin, arrangement.Audrey Mildmay ; Roy Henderson ; Michael Mudie, with orchestra.Victor.
Black Bottom Henderson; Desylva; Brown.Spike Jones; City Slickers.
The beggar's opera. Cease your funning ; Why, how now, madam flirt ; No power on earth / John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederic Austin, arrangement.Roy Henderson ; Joseph Farrington ; Linda Gray ; Audrey Mildmay ; Michael Mudie, conductor and orchestra.Victor.
The best things in life are free : from picture "Good news" / DeSylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Ink Spots, with instrumental accompaniment.
Little pal / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Rendezvous Cafe Orchestra.
Excerpt from "Les Noches" (The Wedding) / Stravinsky.Kate Winter ; Linda Seymour ; Parry Jones ; Roy Henderson ; Chorus.
Broken hearted / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Arcadians.
The beggar's opera. 1. Come sweet lass ; 2. Hither, dear husband ; 3. Which way shall I turn me ; 4. The charge is prepared / John Gay ; Pepusch ; Frederic Austin, new version.L. Grey ; A. Mildmay ; M. Redgrave, R. Henderson ; J. Farrington ; M. Mudie, conductor.Victor.
Together : from picture "Since you went away" / DeSylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians ; Tony Craig.
My lucky stars : from musical comedy "Follow thru" / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Rialto Dance Orchestra.
The beggar's opera. Come, sweet lass ; Hither, dear husband ; Which way shall I turn me ; The charge is prepared / John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederic Austin, arrangement.Linda Gray ; Audrey Mildmay ; Michael Redgrave ; Roy Henderson ; Joseph Farrington ; Michael Mudie.Victor.
Annabelle Lew Brown; Ray Henderson.Brooke Johns; His Orchestra.
The beggar's opera. 1. Overture, orch. ; 2. Thro' all the employments of life ; 3.'Tis woman that seduces all mankind / John Gay ; Pepusch ; Frederic Austin, new version.Audrey Mildmay ; Roy Henderson ; Bruce Flegg ; Michael Mudie.Victor.
If I had a talking picture of you : from "Sunny side up" / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Matty Crawford's Orch.
Life is just a bowl of cherries / Brown ; Henderson.Jaye P. Morgan, with chorus and Orchestra ; Frank de Vol, conductor.
Don Giovanni : Duet and chorus : Giovinette, che fate ; Recitativo : Manco male, é partita / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Henderson ; Brownlee ; Baccaloni ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Finale, concluded, Io men vado in un ritiro = I will go into a convent, act 2 / [Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Helletsgruber ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Baccaloni ; Pataky ; Souez ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Black Bottom. Henderson; Desylva; Brown.Bunny Berigan; His Orchestra.
Sonny boy / Jolson ; De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Three Hawaiians.
Sonny boy / Jolson ; De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Jack Carroll.
Breakaway : from "Fox movietone follies of 1929" / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Hew Sterling's Orch.
Annabelle / Brown ; Henderson.Joe Thomas' Saxotette.Compo.
Bye-bye, blackbird / Dixon ; Henderson.Bennie Krueger's Orchestra.
Little pal : from Al. Jolson's talking picture "Say it with songs" / DeSylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Jack Carroll, tenor solo with orch.
That Old Gang Of Mine Ray Henderson.California Ramblers.
I'm a dreamer - aren't we all : from "Sunny side up" / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Bud Murray with orchestra.
You're the cream in my coffee / DeSylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Ben Light, piano ; Tempo Quintette.
Bye-bye, blackbird / Henderson ; Dixon.Les Brunettes.
Little pal : from Al. Jolson's talking picture "Say it with songs" / DeSylva ; Brown ; Henderson ; Jolson.George Beaver, tenor solo with orch[estra].
Why did I kiss that girl? : fox trot / Brown ; King ; Henderson.Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra with vocal chorus.
Breakaway / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Lloyd Hall and his orchestra.
Little pal / DeSlyva ; Brown ; Henderson ; Jolson.George Beaver.
An old sombrero / Lew Brown ; Ray Henderson.Phil Brito ; Ted Dale, and orchestra.
Together / DeSylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Clarence Sherman's Orchestra.
The varsity drag / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.
The beggar's opera. 1. A fox may steal your hens, sir ; 2. O ponder well ; 3. The turtle thus with plaintive crying / John Gay ; Pepusch ; Frederic Austin, new version.Henderson ; A. Mildmay ; Michael Mudie, conductor, with orchestra.Victor.
The beggar's opera. 1. If any wench venus' girdle wear ; 2. Our Polly is a sad slut ; 3. Can love be controled by advice ; 4. O, Polly, you might have toyed and kissed. / John Gay ; Pepusch ; Frederic Austin, new version.Constance Willis ; A. Mildmay ; R. Henderson ; Michael Mudie, conductor and orchestra.Victor.
A Shropshire Lad. Music By George Butterworth; Poem By A F Housthan.Roy Henderson; Gerald Moore.
Little pal,tenor solo with orchestra / DeSylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Jack Carroll.
That old gang of mine / Dixon ; Henderson ; Rose.Bill Stegmeyer, and his orchestra.
The beggar's opera. When you censure the age ; Is then his fate decreed ; How happy I could be with either ; I'm bubbled, I'm bubbled / John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederic Austin, arrangement.Roy Henderson ; Joseph Farrington ; Linda Gray ; Michael Redgrave ; Audrey Mildmay ; Michael Mudie, conductor and orchestra.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Finale, act 1 (conclusion) : Ecco il birbo! / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Brownlee ; Baccaloni ; Pataky ; Helletsgruber ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.His Master's Voice.
Don Giovanni. Sestet, act 2 (conclusion) : Pèrdon, perdono! / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Baccaloni ; Helletsgruber ; Pataky ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
If I Had a Talking Picture of You / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson.Matty Crawford's Orchestra.
Follow the swallow / Henderson, Rose, Dixon ; Art Kahn and his Orchestra. The little old clock on the mantel / Ted Fiorito, Gus Kahn ; Art Kahn and his Orchestra.Art Kahn and his Orchestra.
Don Giovanni. Recitativo, act 1 : Masetto, senti un poi ; Aria, Batti, batti, o bel Masetto / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Lucky day : (from "George White's scandals") / Crown ; De Sylva ; Henderson.Ernest Le Messurier, tenor solo.
The Beggar's Opera. Overture, orchestra ; Thro' all the employments of Life ; 'Tis woman that seduces all mankind / John Gay ; John Christopher Pepusch ; Frederic Austin, arrangement, vocal with orchestra.Audrey Mildmay ; Roy Henderson ; Bruce Flegg ; Michael Mudie.Victor.
The beggar's opera. Come sweet lass ; Hither, dear husband ; Which way shall I turn me ; The charge is prepared / John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederick Austin, arrangement.L. Grey ; A. Mildmay ; M. Redgrave, R. Henderson ; J. Farrington ; M. Mudie, conductor.Victor.
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