Recherche – Gramophone virtuel

Numéro d'OCLC
Vedette d'interprète
Johnson, Edward, 1878-1959.
Johnson, Edward, 1878-1959.
Edward Johnson, Tenor with Orchestra.
Land of the long ago / [Charles] Knight, lyrics ; [Lilian] Ray, music.
Vedette de compositeur
Knight, Charles.
Ray, Lilian, d. 1949.
Ray, Lilian, d. 1949.
Étiquette générique
Étiquette transcrite
Berliner Gram-O-Phone Co. of Canada.
Numéro de tirage
Numéro de matrice
Numéro d'album
Remarques sur l'enregistrement
Recorded: [6 Mar 1920], Montreal, QC?, Berliner Gram-O-Phone Co. of Canada.
Alternate issues: [Victor : 694] (American issue).
Comments: Single-sided disc.
Comments: Text transcribed from label/Texte transcrit de l'étiquette: Patented 1903, 1908 Manufactured in Canada from Victor Talking Machine Co's Matrices. Licensed in Canada under its trade mark "Victor" appearing hereon. Licensed for sale only at current catalog price.
Comments: Additional information/information additionnelle: "B" preceeding the matrix number indicates a 10" acoustic record.
Discographical reference: The Tenor of his Time : Edward Johnson of the Met, matrix, number, recording date, alternate issue.; Canadian Music Trades Journal, release date.
Distributor: Berliner Gram-O-Phone Co. of Canada.
Issue type: primary label.
Released: [Sep 1920].
Alternate issues: [Victor : 694] (American issue).
Comments: Single-sided disc.
Comments: Text transcribed from label/Texte transcrit de l'étiquette: Patented 1903, 1908 Manufactured in Canada from Victor Talking Machine Co's Matrices. Licensed in Canada under its trade mark "Victor" appearing hereon. Licensed for sale only at current catalog price.
Comments: Additional information/information additionnelle: "B" preceeding the matrix number indicates a 10" acoustic record.
Discographical reference: The Tenor of his Time : Edward Johnson of the Met, matrix, number, recording date, alternate issue.; Canadian Music Trades Journal, release date.
Distributor: Berliner Gram-O-Phone Co. of Canada.
Issue type: primary label.
Released: [Sep 1920].
1 audio disc : 78 rpm, mono ; 10 in.
Songs, English.
Songs, English.
Chansons anglaises.
Chansons anglaises.
Date de modification :