The forms that were used varied over the years. In some years, different forms were in use at the same time. From 1865 to the early 1870s, some ships used handwritten lists in Swedish, Norwegian or German, rather than the standard government form. Because those were not standard lists, transcriptions of the headings were not done.
Form used in 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868 and 1869
- Ports of embarkation
- Names of passengers
- Age of each Adult of 12 years & upwards
- Children between 1 & 12 years
- Infants
- Profession, Occupation, or Calling, of Passengers
- English
- Scotch
- Irish
- Port at which Passengers have Contracted to Land
Form used in 1866, 1867, 1868 and 1869
- Port of Embarkation
- No. of Contract Ticket
- Names of Passengers
- Age of each Adult of 12 years and upwards
- Children between 1 and 12 years
- Infants
- Profession, Occupation or Calling of passengers
- English
- Scotch
- Irish
- Other parts
- Port at which Passengers have Contracted to Land
Form used in 1869, 1870 and 1871
- Port of Embarkation
- Ticket No.
- Names of Passengers
- Age of each Adult of 12 years and upwards
- Children between 1 and 12 years
- Infants
- Profession, Occupation or Calling of Passengers
- English
- Adults
- Between 1 and 12
- Infants
- Scotch
- Adults
- Between 1 and 12
- Infants
- Irish
- Adults
- Between 1 and 12
- Infants
- Foreigners
- Adults
- Between 1 and 12
- Infants
- Port at which Passengers have contracted to Land
Form used in 1870
- Name of family
- Occupation
- No. of souls
- Males
- Females
- Children
- Infants
- Equal to adults
- Amount Sterling sent to Quebec for their use
- Equal to currency
- Amount paid by Quebec agent
- Paid by …………… Agent
Form used in 1871 and 1872
- Port of Embarkation
- Names of Passengers
- Adults
- Children between 1 and 14 years
- Number of infants not over 1 year
- Profession Occupation or calling of Passengers
- Nation or Country of birth
- Port at which Passengers have contracted to be landed
- Any further particulars, as deaths, & & &
Form used in 1871, 1872 and 1873
- Port of Embarkation
- Names of Passengers
- Age of each Adult of 12 years and upwards
- Children between 1 & 12 Years
- Infants
- Profession, Occupation, or Calling of Passengers
- English
- Adults
- Between 1 and 12
- Infants
- Scotch
- Adults
- Between 1 and 12
- Infants
- Irish
- Adults
- Between 1 and 12
- Infants
- Foreigners
- Adults
- Between 1 and 12
- Infants
- Port at which Passengers have contracted to Land
Form used in 1872 and 1873
- Number of Ticket
- Names
- Ages
- Adults over 12
- Children over 4
- Children 4 & under
- Destination to which Passengers are Ticketed
- Remarks. Total Passengers for the different destinations
- Adults over 12
- Children over 4
- Children 4 & under
Form used between 1874 and 1878
- Port of embarkation
- Names of passengers
- Adults
- Children between 1 and 14
- Infants
- Occupation
- Nationality
- Births at Sea
- Deaths
- Places in the Dominion of Canada or United States to which Passengers are bound
- Remarks
Form used between 1878 and 1881
- Port of Embarkation
- Names of Passengers
- Age of each Adult of 12 years and upwards
- Children between 1 & 12 years
- Infants
- Profession, Occupation, or Calling of passengers
- English
- Adults
- Between 1 and 12
- Infants
- Scotch
- Adults
- Between 1 and 12
- Infants
- Irish
- Adults
- Between 1 and 12
- Infants
- Foreigners
- Adults
- Between 1 and 12
- Infants
- Port at which Passengers have contracted to Land
Form used between 1882 and 1889
- Port of Embarkation
- No. of Contract Ticket
- Names of Passengers
- Profession, Occupation, or Calling of Passengers
- English
- Age of each Adult of 12 years and upward
- Ages of Children between 1 and 12 years
- Infants
- Scotch
- Age of each Adult of 12 years and upwards
- Ages of Children between 1 and 12 years
- Infants
- Irish
- Age of each Adult of 12 years and upwards
- Ages of Children between 1 and 12 years
- Infants
- Foreigners
- Age of each Adult of 12 years and upwards
- Ages of Children between 1 and 12 years
- Infants
- Port at which Passengers have contracted to Land
Form used between 1890 and 1894
- Port of Embarkation
- Names of passengers
- Profession, Occupation, or Calling, of passengers
- English
- Age of each Adult of 12 years and upwards
- Ages of Children between 1 and 12 years
- Infants
- Scotch
- Age of each Adult of 12 years and upwards
- Ages of Children between 1 and 12 years
- Infants
- Irish
- Age of each Adult of 12 years and upwards
- Ages of Children between 1 and 12 years
- Infants
- Foreigners
- Age of each Adult of 12 years and upwards
- Ages of Children between 1 and 12 years
- Infants
- Port at which Passengers have contracted to land
Form used between 1895 and 1899
- Port of Embarkation
- Names of Passengers
- Adults
- Children between 1 and 14
- Number of Infants not over 1 year
- Profession, Occupation or Calling of Passengers
- Nation or Country of Birth
- Births at Sea
- Deaths
- Places in the Dominion of Canada or United States to which passengers are bound
Form used between 1899 and 1903
- Date (or Port) of Embarkation
- Names of Passengers
- Adults
- Children between 1 and 14
- Number of infants not over 1 year
- Passengers who are heads of families on board
- No. of persons belonging to the family
- Passengers not belonging to any family on board
- Profession, Occupation or Calling of Passengers
- Nation or Country of Birth
- Births at Sea
- Deaths
- Places of ultimate destination of passengers, excepting “Tourists” and “Returning Canadians” who are to be so described
Form used between 1904 and 1908
- No. of Passengers.
- Number of Railway Order.
- Amount of Cash. To be filled in by Immigration Agent at Port of Landing.
- Name of Passenger.
- Age of Adults.
- Children under 14 years of age.
- Able to
- Married or Single.
- Profession, Occupation, or Calling of Passengers.
- Nation or Country of Birth.
- Counties in British Isles from which Passenger came.
- Births at Sea.
- Deaths at Sea.
- Place of ultimate destination of Passengers excepting “Tourists and returned Canadians,” who are to be so described.
Form used in 1906 and 1907
- No. of S.S. Contract Ticket.
- Amount of Cash. To be filled in by Immigration Agent at Port of Landing.
- Name of Passenger.
- Age of Adults.
- Children under 14 years of age.
- Able to
- Married or Single.
- No. of Passengers.
- Profession, Occupation or Calling of Passengers.
- Nation or Country of Birth.
- Births at Sea.
- Deaths at Sea.
- Place of ultimate destination of Passengers excepting “Tourists and returned Canadians,” who are to be so described.
Form used between 1909 and 1921
1. No. of Passengers.
2. No. of S.S. Contract Ticket
3. Amount of Cash in $
4. Name in full
Age of adults.
5. Male.
6. Female.
Children under 14 years.
7. Male
8. Female.
9. Married, Single, or Widowed.
10. Have you ever been in Canada before?
If so
11. When.
12. Where.
13. How Long.
14. Do you intend to permanently reside in Canada?
15. Are you able to read?
16. Are you able to write?
17. Country of Birth
18. No. of Passengers.
19. Race of People.
20. Post Office.
21. Province.
22. What was your occupation in country from which you came?
23. What is your intended occupation in Canada?
24. Have you ever worked as farmer, farm labourer, gardener, stableman, carter, Ry, surfaceman, navvy or miner?
If so
25. Which
26. How long
27. When
28. Religious Denomination.
29. Travelled inland on
30. Initials of civil examiner.
31. No. of Passengers
Form used between 1925 and 1935
1. Line
2. Family name, given name
3. Relationship
4. M.
5. F.
6. Single, married, widowed or divorced
7. Country and place of birth
8. Nationality (country of which a citizen or subject)
9. Race or People
If in Canada Before
10. Between what periods
11. At what address
12. Ever refused entry to or deported from Canada?
13. Do you intend to reside permanently in Canada?
14. Can you read?
15. What Language
16. By whom was passage paid
17. Line
18. What trade or occupation did you follow in your own country?
19. What trade or occupation do you intend to follow in Canada?
20. If destined to relative, friend or employer state which and give name and full address. If not
joining any person in Canada, give the address in Canada to which you are going
21. Give name, relationship and address of your nearest relative in the country from which you
came. If a wife or children are to follow you later to Canada, give names and ages
Have you or any of your family ever been
22. Mentally defective
23. Physically defective
24. Tubercular
25. Number, place and date of issue
26. Money in possession belonging to passenger
27. Travelling inland on
28. Action taken and civil examiner