From January 1919 to December 1924, an individual form (Form 30) was used for border entries.
There were several variations of the fronts and backs of the Form 30 records, used in different combinations.
Form 30 – Type A
- Name
- Age
- Male, Married
- Female, Single
- Occupation
- Object in coming to Canada
- Birthplace
- Citizenship Race
- Nat. Cert. No. Date
- Last permanent address
- Street and No.
- Ever lived in Canada?
- Entered previously at Date
- Left Canada at Date
- Ever been refused admission into Canada
- Money in possession belonging to immigrant $
- If settler, value of effects $
- Destined to
- Relative
- Friend or
- Employer
- Apparent condition of health
- R.R. tkt. issue No. Form
- From To
- Train No. or S.S. name
- Landing:
- Port
- 1st, 2nd or 3rd Class
- Date
- Steamship
- Objection to immigrant, if any
- Whether able to read or write?
- Time and port of last arrival in the United States
- Action taken
- Height
- Complexion
- Colour of eyes
- Colour of hair
- Marks of identification
- Signature
Particulars When Family Accompanying
- Full name
- Age
- Relationship
- Country of birth
- Country of citizenship
- Remarks:
Form 30 – Type B
- Name
- Last permanent address
- Street and No.
- Age
- Male Married Widowed
- Female Single Divorced
- Occupation
- Birthplace
- Citizenship Race or People
- Nat. Cert. No. Date
- Able to read? Write? Language?
- Religious denomination
- Ever lived in Canada?
- Entered previously at Date
- Left Canada at Date
- Why left Canada
- Money in possession belonging to immigrant $
- If settler, value of effects $
- Object in coming to Canada
- Destined to
- Relative
- Friend or
- Employer
- Name
- Address
- Ever been refused admission into Canada
- Apparent condition of health
- R.R. tkt. issue No. Form
- From To
- Train No. or S.S. name
- Landing:
- Port Date
- Steamship
- 1st, 2nd or 3rd Class
- Time and port of last arrival in the United States
- Object to immigrant, if any
- Name and address of nearest relative or friend in country of birth or citizenship
Description of Passenger
- Height
- Complexion
- Colour of eyes
- Colour of hair
- Marks of identification
- Signature of passenger (immigrant)
Particulars When Family Accompanying
- Full name
- Age
- Relationship
- Country of birth
- Country of citizenship
- Remarks
Form 30 – Type C
1. Name
2. Last permanent address
Street and No.
3. Age
Male Married Widowed
Female Single Divorced
4. Birthplace
5. Citizenship Race or people
6. Nat. cert. No. Date
Court State
7. Able to read? Write? Language?
8. Religious denomination
9. Ever lived in Canada?
Yes Address
Entered previously at Date
Left Canada at Date
10. Why left Canada
11. Ever been refused admission into Canada
Yes Where?
12. Money in possession belonging to immigrant $
13. If settler, value of effects $
14. Object in coming to Canada
15. Destined
Friend, or
16. Apparent condition of health
17. R.R. Tkt. issue No. Form
From To
Train No. or S.S. name
18. Landing:
Port Date
1st, 2nd or 3rd Class
19. Time and port of last arrival in the United States
20. Mentally defective Sec. 3 (a)
21. Ever had tuberculosis Sec. 3 (b)
22. Physically defective Sec. 3 (c)
23. Anarchist, etc. sec 3 (n) (o)
24. Objection to immigrant, if any
Form 30 – Type D
1. Name
2. Last permanent address
3. Sex
Are you married, single, widowed or divorced?
If married are you accompanied by husband or wife? If so give name of husband or wife.
4. Birthplace Citizenship Race or people
5. Nat. cert. No. Date Court
State Attestor
6. Object in coming to Canada Occupation
7. Able to read?
Yes Language?
8. Ever lived in Canada?
Yes Address
Entered previously at Date
Left Canada at Date
9. Why left Canada?
10. Ever refused entry to or deported from Canada?
Yes Where?
11. Money in possession belonging to passenger $ If settler $
12. Destined to
Friend or
13. R.R. ticket issue
No. Form
From To
14. Port of last arrival in the United States
Date S.S. Class
15. Are you or any of your family mentally defective?
Tubercular? Physically defective?
Otherwise debarred under Canadian Immigration Law?
16. Apparent condition of health
17. Action taken
18. Cause
19. Appeal taken