In 1908, the government began keeping records of people entering Canada via the border with the United States. There were several variations of the border entry forms.
Border Entry Form used in 1908
- No.
- Name
- Country of Birth or Citizenship
- Last Address
- Last Occupation
- Destination
- Proposed Occupation
- Remarks
Border Entry Form used between 1909 and 1913
- Day of Month
- Name
- Age
- Occupation
- Country of Birth
- Country of Citizenship
- Travelling by
- Train No.
- From
- To
- How much Money
- Remarks
Border Entry Form used between 1914 and 1918
- Date of Month
- Name
- Age
- Country of Birth
- Country of Citizenship
- Occupation
- Travelling by
- Train No.
- From what State
- To what Province
- Value of Cash and Effects
- Remarks
Border Entry Form used between 1925 and 1930
1. Line
2. Day of month
3. Family name, given name
4. Relationship
5. M.
6. F.
7. Single, married, widowed or divorced
8. County, state and place of birth
9. Nationality (country of which a citizen or subject)
10. Race or people
If in Canada Before
11. Between what periods
12. At what address
13. What language? (If unable to read insert “nil”)
14. Religion. State Denomination
15. What trade or occupation did you follow in your own country?
16. What trade or occupation do you intend to follow in Canada?
17. If destined to relative, friend or employer state which and give name and full address. If not
joining any person in Canada, give the address in Canada to which you are going
18. Give name, relationship and address of your nearest relative in the country from which you came
Have you or any of your family ever been
19. Mentally defective
20. Physically defective
21. Tubercular
22. Money in possession belonging to passenger
23. Value of effects
24. Travelling inland on state railway or highway
25. Action taken. State whether admitted as immigrant or non-immigrant or rejected. If rejected, give
cause and state if appeal entered
Border Entry Form used between 1931 and 1935
1. Line
2. Day of month
3. Family, given name (Print name in block letters, family name first)
4. Relationship
5. M.
6. F.
7. Single, married, widowed or divorced
Country or state of last residence
8. Country or state of birth
9. Nationality (Country of which a citizen or subject)
10. Race or People
If in Canada before
11. Between what periods
12. At what address
13. What language? (If unable to read insert “nil”)
14. Religion. State denomination
15. What trade or occupation did you follow in your own country?
16. What trade or occupation do you intend to follow in Canada?
17. Destination. If destined to relative, friend or employer state which and give name and full address. If not
joining any person in Canada, give the address in Canada to which you are going
18. Give name, relationship and address of your nearest relative in the country from which you came
19. Money in possession belonging to passenger
20. Value of effects
21. Travelling inland on state railway or highway
22. Action taken. State whether admitted as immigrant or rejected. If rejected, give cause and state if
appeal entered
23. Remarks. Indicate which are oversea immigrants arriving at U.S. ocean ports, also give medical
certificate number and passport particulars see circular no. 21