The Canadian Feature Film database is based on the printed publication Canadian Feature Film Index begun in 1972.
The database
- compiles the principal credits of every Canadian feature film from 1913 to 2006;
- establishes a list of Canadian feature films from published information up to 2006; and
- features over 4,300 films.
Database context
- A Canadian film
- is any film in which a production company incorporated in Canada is involved. (Note: Foreign capital investments and/or percentage of Canadian participation, are not factored into the definition of a Canadian film.)
- A feature film
- is any audio-visual document available on a film, magnetic or digital support, irrespective of content, running more than 60 minutes.
- Official and unofficial co-productions with other countries have been included.
- Exceptions include: some silent films whose true original running time is impossible to determine, a few theatrical features made between 1933 and 1937, and René Bail's seminal work of 1959, Les Désoeuvrés.
(Note: Foreign capital investments and/or percentage of Canadian participation, are not factored into the definition of a Canadian film.)
Objectives of the database
- to have as complete and accurate list of films as possible
- to find as many unknown films as possible
- to correct errors in the current records
(Note: The establishment of exhaustive credits on each film is a future goal.)
Historical note
- Production information on new films was added steadily to the original 500 records since 1975.
- Newspapers, Canadian and American trade periodicals, as well as, interviews with pioneers and their relatives added to the production information.
- Changes and/or updates to the shooting dates, the laboratory processing and the negatives, and titles have been made on a continuing basis over the years.