Recherche – Gramophone virtuel

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3 résultat(s) trouvé(s) pour « Reinhardt, Django. ».
TitreInterprèteÉtiquette générique
My Melancholy Baby Ernie Burnett; George A Morton.The Quintet Of The Hot Club Of France; Django Reinhardt; Stephane Grappelly.
I Can't Give You Anything But Love, Baby Fields; Mchugh.Quintet Of The Hot Club Of France; Stephane Grappelly Django Reinhardt; Joseph Reinhardt; Pierre Ferret; Louis Vots Freddy Taylor.
Japanese sandman / Richard A. Whiting - Raymond B. Egan. [performed by] Quintet of the Hot Club of France with Django Reinhardt, guitar and Stephane Grappelly, violin. Love letters (billets doux) / Reinhardt - Grappelly. [performed by] Quintet of the Hot Club of France with Django Reinhardt, guitar and Stephane Grappelly, violin.Quintet of the Hot Club of France ; Django Reinhardt ; Stephane Grappelly.
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