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50 résultat(s) trouvé(s) pour « Mildmay, Audrey,1900-1953. ».
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Don Giovanni. Recitativo, act 2 :Dunque quello sei tu ; Aria : Ah, pieta! signor miell ; Recitativo : Ferma, perfido, ferma! /Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Helletsgruber ; Pataky ; Henderson ; Baccaloni ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Recitativo, act 1 :Fermati, scellerato! ; Aria, act 1 : Ah! fuggi il traditor! ; Recitativo, act 1 : Mi par ch'oggi /Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Helletsgruber ; Mildmay ; Brownlee ; Patakey ; Souez ; Fritz Busch ; [Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company].Victor.
Don Giovanni. Recitativo Di molti faci il lume = Surely advancing torches ; Sestet. Part 1 :Sola, sola in bujo loco = In the solemn hush /[Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Baccaloni ; Helletsgruber ; Pataky ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Co. ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Recitativo, Dunque quello sei tu =It was then at thy hands, act 2 ; Aria Ah, pieta! signori miei! = Tongue or blows, I merit neither ; Recitativo, Ferma, perfido, ferma! = Stay thee, wicked one /[Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Helletsgruber ; Pataky ; Roy Henderson ; Salvatore Baccaloni ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Finale. Part 5 :Ah! dov' è il perfido? = Where lurks the murderer? /[Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Helletsgruber ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Pataky ; Henderson ; Baccaloni ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Co. ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
My heart was so free ; Were I laid on greenland's coast ; O what pain it is to part /John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederic Austin, arrangement.Audrey Mildmay ; Michael Redgrave ; Michael Mudie, with orchestra.His Master's Voice.
Don Giovanni. Aria, act 1, Con. :Pace, pace, o vita mia! ; Recitativo, act 1 : Guarda un po ; Finale, act 1. Part 1 Presto, presto /Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Henderson ; Brownlee ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.His Master's Voice.
The beggar's opera. If any wench venus' girdle wear ; Our Polly is a sad slut ; Can love be controlled by advice ; O Polly, you might have toyed and kissed /John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederic Austin, arrangement.Audrey Mildmay ; Roy Henderson ; Michael Mudie, with orchestra.Victor.
The beggar's opera. Thus gamesters united ; The modes of the court ; In the days of my youth ; A curse attends that woman's love /John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederic Austin, arrangement.Joseph Farrington ; Bruce Flegg ; Michael Redgrave ; Alys Brough ; Roy Henderson ; Audrey Mildmay ; Linda Gray ; Michael Mudie.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Sestet (concluded), Perdon, perdono! =O sirs, forgive me /[Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Baccaloni ; Helletsgruber ; Pataky ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Co. ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Finale, act 2 (conclusion) :Io men vado in un ritiro /Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Helletsgruber ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Baccaloni ; Pataky ; Souez ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
The beggar's opera. 1. Overture, orch. ; 2. Thro' all the employments of life ; 3.'Tis woman that seduces all mankind /John Gay ; Pepusch ; Frederic Austin, new version.Audrey Mildmay ; Roy Henderson ; Bruce Flegg ; Michael Mudie.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Duettino La ci darem la mano! =Bid me not resign /Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.John Brownlee ; Audrey Mildmay ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company conducted by Fritz Busch.Victor.
The beggar's opera. Cease your funning ; Why, how now, madam flirt ; No power on earth /John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederick Austin, arrangement.Roy Henderson ; Joseph Farrington ; Linda Gray ; Audrey Mildmay ; Michael Mudie, conductor and orchestra.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Aria, act 1 :Ho capito ; Recitativo : Alfin siam liberati /Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Roy Henderson ; Brownlee ; Mildmay ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
The beggar's opera. Dance of the prisonners in chains ; Would I might be hanged ; Finale, Thus I stand like a turk /John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederick Austin, arrangement.A. Mildmay ; L. Gray ; M. Redgrave ; Michael Mudie, conductor, with chorus and orchestra.Victor.
The beggar's opera. 1. A fox may steal your hens, sir ; 2. O ponder well ; 3. The turtle thus with plaintive crying /John Gay ; Pepusch ; Frederic Austin, new version.Henderson ; A. Mildmay ; Michael Mudie, conductor, with orchestra.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Finale, act 2 :Ah! dov' è il perfido? /Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Helletsgruber ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Pataky ; Henderson ; Baccaloni ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Finale, act 1. Part 2 :Tra quest' arbori celata /Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Brownlee, Henderson ; Helletsgruber, Pataky ; Souez ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, cond.His Master's Voice.
The beggar's opera. 1. Cease your funning ; 2. Why, how now, madam flirt ; 3. No power on earth /John Gay ; Pepusch ; Frederic Austin, new version.Roy Henderson ; Joseph Farrington ; Linda Gray ; Audrey Mildmay ; Michael Mudie, conductor and orchestra.Victor.
The beggar's opera. Thus gamesters united ; The modes of the court ; In the days of my youth ; A curse attends that women's love /John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederick Austin, arrangement.J. Farrington ; B. Flegg ; M. Redgrave & chorus ; A. Brough, R. Henderson ; Audrey Mildmay ; Linda Gray ; Michael Mudie, conductor and orchestra.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Aria, act 2 :Vedrai carino /Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.His Master's Voice.
The beggar's opera. 1. Dance of prisonners in chains ; 2. Would I might be hang'd ; 3. Finale, Thus I stand like the turk /John Gay ; Pepusch ; Frederic Austin, new version.A. Mildmay ; L. Gray ; M. Redgrave ; Michael Mudie, conductor and orchestra.Victor.
The beggar's opera. If any wench venus' girdle wear ; Our Polly is a sad slut ; Can love be controlled by advice ; O Polly, you might have toyed and kissed /John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederic Austin, arrangement.Audrey Mildmay ; Roy Henderson ; Michael Mudie, with orchestra.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Aria, Ho capito ; Recitativo :Alfin siam liberati /Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Roy Henderson ; Brownlee ; Mildmay ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
The beggar's opera. When you censure the age ; Is then his fate decreed ; How happy I could be with either ; I'm bubbled, I'm bubbled /John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederic Austin, arrangement.R. Henderson ; J. Farrington ; L. Gray ; M. Redgrave ; A. Mildmay ; M. Mudie, conductor and orchestra.His Master's Voice.
Don Giovanni :Duet & chorus : Giovinette, che fate /Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Henderson ; Brownlee ; Baccaloni ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Aria, act 2 :Meta di voi qua vadano ; Recitativo, act 2 : Zitto, lascia ch'io senta /Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Brownlee ; Henderson ; Mildmay ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
The beggar's opera. When you censure the age ; Is then his fate decreed ; How happy I could be with either ; I'm bubbled, I'm bubbled /John Gay ; Pepusch ; Frederick Austin, new version.Roy Henderson ; Joseph Farrington ; Linda Gray ; Michael Redgrave ; Audrey Mildmay ; Michael Mudie, conductor and orchestra.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Finale, act 1. Part 5 :Ricominciate il suono! /Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Brownlee ; Baccaloni ; Pataky ; Helletsgruber ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.His Master's Voice.
Don Giovanni. Act 2, Recitativo :Di molte faci il lume ; Sestet : Sola, sola in bujo loco /Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Baccaloni ; Helletsgruber ; Pataky ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
The beggar's opera. Dance of the prisoners in chains ; Would I might be hang'd ; Finale, Thus I stand like the turk /John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederic Austin, arrangement.Audrey Mildmay ; Linda Gray ; Michael Redgrave ; Michael Mudie.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Recitativo Fermati, scellerato! =Villain, to what art purpos'd? ; Aria Ah! fuggi il traditor! = A lie is on his lip ; Recitativo Mi par ch'oggi = Beelzebub hath made my plans /Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Helletsgruber ; Mildmay ; Brownlee ; Patakey ; Souez ; Fritz Busch ; [Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company].Victor.
The Beggar's opera. A fox may steel your hens, sir ; O ponder well ; The turtle thus with plaintive crying /John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederic Austin, arrangement.Audrey Mildmay ; Roy Henderson ; Michael Mudie, with orchestra.Victor.
The beggar's opera. Cease your funning ; Why, how now, madam flirt ; No power on earth /John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederic Austin, arrangement.Roy Henderson ; Joseph Farrington ; Linda Gray ; Audrey Mildmay ; Michael Mudie, conductor and orchestra.Victor.
The beggar's opera. 1. Come sweet lass ; 2. Hither, dear husband ; 3. Which way shall I turn me ; 4. The charge is prepared /John Gay ; Pepusch ; Frederic Austin, new version.L. Grey ; A. Mildmay ; M. Redgrave, R. Henderson ; J. Farrington ; M. Mudie, conductor.Victor.
The beggar's opera. Come, sweet lass ; Hither, dear husband ; Which way shall I turn me ; The charge is prepared /John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederic Austin, arrangement.Linda Gray ; Audrey Mildmay ; Michael Redgrave ; Roy Henderson ; Joseph Farrington ; Michael Mudie.Victor.
The beggar's opera. 1. Overture, orch. ; 2. Thro' all the employments of life ; 3.'Tis woman that seduces all mankind /John Gay ; Pepusch ; Frederic Austin, new version.Audrey Mildmay ; Roy Henderson ; Bruce Flegg ; Michael Mudie.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Duettino, act 1 :La ci darem la mano! /Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Brownlee ; Mildmay ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Don Giovanni :Duet and chorus : Giovinette, che fate ; Recitativo : Manco male, é partita /Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Henderson ; Brownlee ; Baccaloni ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Finale, concluded, Io men vado in un ritiro =I will go into a convent, act 2 /[Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Helletsgruber ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Baccaloni ; Pataky ; Souez ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
The beggar's opera. 1. A fox may steal your hens, sir ; 2. O ponder well ; 3. The turtle thus with plaintive crying /John Gay ; Pepusch ; Frederic Austin, new version.Henderson ; A. Mildmay ; Michael Mudie, conductor, with orchestra.Victor.
The beggar's opera. 1. If any wench venus' girdle wear ; 2. Our Polly is a sad slut ; 3. Can love be controled by advice ; 4. O, Polly, you might have toyed and kissed. /John Gay ; Pepusch ; Frederic Austin, new version.Constance Willis ; A. Mildmay ; R. Henderson ; Michael Mudie, conductor and orchestra.Victor.
The beggar's opera. When you censure the age ; Is then his fate decreed ; How happy I could be with either ; I'm bubbled, I'm bubbled /John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederic Austin, arrangement.Roy Henderson ; Joseph Farrington ; Linda Gray ; Michael Redgrave ; Audrey Mildmay ; Michael Mudie, conductor and orchestra.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Finale, act 1 (conclusion) :Ecco il birbo! /Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Brownlee ; Baccaloni ; Pataky ; Helletsgruber ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.His Master's Voice.
Don Giovanni. Sestet, act 2 (conclusion) :Pèrdon, perdono! /Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Baccaloni ; Helletsgruber ; Pataky ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Recitativo, act 1 :Masetto, senti un poi ; Aria, Batti, batti, o bel Masetto /Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
The beggar's opera. 1. Thus gamesters united ; 2. The modes of the court ; 3. In the days of my youth ; 4. A curse attends that woman's love /John Gay ; Pepusch ; Frederic Austin, new version.J. Farrington ; B. Flegg ; M. Redgrave & chorus ; A. Brough ; A. Mildmay ; L. Gray ; Michael Mudie, conductor with orchestra.Victor.
The Beggar's Opera. Overture, orchestra ; Thro' all the employments of Life ; 'Tis woman that seduces all mankind /John Gay ; John Christopher Pepusch ; Frederic Austin, arrangement, vocal with orchestra.Audrey Mildmay ; Roy Henderson ; Bruce Flegg ; Michael Mudie.Victor.
The beggar's opera. Come sweet lass ; Hither, dear husband ; Which way shall I turn me ; The charge is prepared /John Gay ; [John Christopher Pepusch] ; Frederick Austin, arrangement.L. Grey ; A. Mildmay ; M. Redgrave, R. Henderson ; J. Farrington ; M. Mudie, conductor.Victor.
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