Recherche – Gramophone virtuel

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10 résultat(s) trouvé(s) pour « McKenna, William J.,1881-1950, ».
TitreInterprèteÉtiquette générique
Ireland / William J. McKenna ; August Kleineke.George MacFarlane.Victor.
Any old place the gang goes (I'll be there) / McKenna.Arthur Fields, baritone ; Peerless Quartette, male quartette with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
Just for remembrance (bring me a red, red rose) / Parish ; Young ; Squires. Just some roses / William McKenna.Elliott Shaw, baritone, with orchestra [side a] ; Lewis James, tenor, with orchestra [side b].
Everybody loves an Irish song / William J. McKenna.American Quartet, male quartet with orchestra.Berliner.
Ireland / William J. McKenna ; August Kleineke.George MacFarlane.Berliner.
Won't you throw a kiss to me? / William McKenna.Collins and Harlan, baritone and tenor duet; orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
Everybody loves an Irish song / William J. McKenna.American Quartet, male quartet with orchestra.Berliner.
Mandy Lane / McKenna ; [performed by] Harry Macdonough with orchestra. When the summer days are gone / Curley, Christie ; [performed by] Haydn Quartet with orchestra.Harry Macdonough, tenor, with Haydn Quartet, male quartet (2nd work) and orchestra.
Jimmy Valentine / Madden ; Edwards. The rooster and the hen / McKenna.Side 1: Peerless Quartet with orchestra; side 2: Collins and Harlan with orchestra.
Everybody loves an Irish song / William J. McKenna.American Quartet, male quartet with orchestra.Victor.
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