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43 result(s) found for "Porter, Steve.".
TitlePerformerGeneric Label
Finnegan's Flat Porter.Steve Porter.Berliner.
O'brien's Automobile Porter.Steve Porter.
Christmas Morning At Clancey's Porter.Steve Porter.
Flanagan On A Farm Steve Porter.Steve Porter.Columbia
Flanagan's Motor Car Porter.Steve Porter; With Orchestra.
Christmas morning at Clancey's.Steve Porter.Berliner.
Flanagan On A Farm Steve Porter.Steve Porter; Orchestra Accompaniment.Columbia
Thim Were The Happy Days!Steve Porter; With Accordion.
Clancey's Wooden Wedding.Steve Porter; With Orchestra.
Flanagan on a farm.Steve Porter with orchestra.
Clancey's wooden wedding.Steve Porter with orchestra.
Flanagan on a Broadway car.Steve Porter, with orchestra.
Flanagan on a Broadway car.[Steve Porter].
Flanagan on a Broadway car.Steve Porter, with orchestra.
Mrs. Hiram Offen discharges Bridget O'Sullivan : vaudeville sketch.[Steve Porter].
Christmas morning at Clancey's.Steve Porter with orchestra.
Flanagans's troubles in a restaurant.Steve Porter.
The laughing spectator.Steve Porter.Berliner.
Thim were the happy days / Steve Porter.Steve Porter.Berliner.
Backyard conversation between two Irish washerwomen.Mr. S.C. Porter.Berliner.
Flanagan's troubles in a restaurant / Steve Porter.Steve Porter.Berliner.
The old-time street fakir / S.C. Porter.Harlan and Porter [Byron G. Harlan and Steve Porter].Columbia
Grace O'Moore / Rosenberg.S.C. Porter, baritone.Berliner.
A rural argument : "rube" specialty with imitations / Porter.Performed by Byron Harlan and Steve Porter.
Flanagan on a Broadway car / Steve Porter. I think I see my brother coming now / Moran, Helf.Steve Porter with orchestra [side a] and Arthur Collins with orchestra [side b].
An armful of kittens and a cat / [Michael J. Fitzpatrick, lyrics and music].Mr. S.C. Porter.Berliner.
The Piano tuner / Porter.Ada Jones ; Steve Porter.
On the banks of the Wabash / Paul Dresser, lyrics and music.S.C. Porter, baritone.Berliner.
Irish Wit.Steve Porter; Billy Murray.
Down on the farm / [Steve Porter].[Columbia Quartette] Vocal Quartette, male voices.Columbia
Down on the farm / [Steve Porter].Peerless Quartette, male quartette.Columbia
Two rubes swapping horses / Porter.Steve Porter ; Byron G. Harlan.
Congressman Filkin's home-coming / Steve Porter.Byron G. Harlan, descriptive; orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
"Hi" and "Si" of Jaytown / Porter.[Steve] Porter and [Byron G.] Harlan.Edison
The stranded circus / Spencer. Thim were the happy days.Spencer and Girard, descriptive specialty ; Steve Porter, Irish specialty.
An Evening with the minstrels no. 5 : Having fun with the orchestra.[Steven Porter] ; [Len Spencer], with orchestra.Berliner.
Night Trip To Buffalo.Vocal Quartette (Male Voices).Columbia
I'd rather be a lobster than a wise guy / [Madden] ; Morse. At the village post office / [Harlan ; Porter].Billy Murray, tenor, with orchestra (1st work) ; Victor Vaudeville Company (2nd work).
Ashes of roses / Tobias ; Mitchel ; Porter. Cotton candy and a toy balloon / By Dunham ; Steve Allen.Elton Britt ; Rosalie Allen ; Skytoppers.
My gal Irene / Burt. Down at Jasper's farm / Moran ; Monaco.Collins and Harlan with orchestra [side a] ; Porter and Harlan with orchestra [side b].
And he'd say oo-la-la! wee wee / Harry Ruby ; George Jessel. Dixie is Dixie once more / Wm. Tracey ; Maceo Pinkard.Billy Murray (And he'd say oo-la-la!) ; American Quartet (Dixie is Dixie once more)
I'm looking for a sweetheart / Manuel Klein ; R.H. Burnside. An Irish-Dutch argument / [composer not identified].Ada Jones ; Billy Murray, Frank Kennedy ; Steve Porter.
When I marry you / Albert Gumble ; Alfred Bryan. Swanee babe / Dick Richards ; Jack Drislane.American Quartet, Haydn Quartet ; Harry Macdonough ; Elizabeth Wheeler.


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