England, my England : Part 1 : A pageant of national songs ; Fanfare ; Land of hope and glory ; The British grenadiers ; Jerusalem / Elear ; Parry. | Massed Symphony Orch. ; George Walter, conductor ; Dennis Noble, soloist. | |
Phantom fleets / Brandon ; Alan Murray. | Dennis Noble. | |
England my England : A pageant of national songs, part 1 : Intro ; Fanfare : Land of hope and glory ; The British Grenadiers ; Jerusalem / Elgar ; Parry. | Massed Symphony Orch. ; George Walter, conductor ; Dennis Noble, soloist. | |
Coronation bells / Partridge ; Bull. | Band of the Coldstream Guards ; Major Douglas Pope, conductor ; Dennis Noble, baritone. | |
There'll Always Be An England Parker; Charles. | Band Of H M Coldstream Guards; Capt J Causley Windram; Dennis Noble; And Quartet. | |
Lords Of The Air Michael North; Davy Burnaby. | Band Of H M Coldstream Guards; Capt J Causley Windram; Dennis Noble; And Quartet. | |
To the Queen (God bless her) / Annette Mills. Coronation bells / Bull ; Partridge. | Vocals by Dennis Noble, baritone ; with chorus and the Band of the Coldstream Guards, conducted by Major Douglas Pope. | |
Drink to me only with thine eyes / Jonson, lyrics ; Anonymous, music ; J. Batten, arranger. | Hubert Eisdell, [Tenor] ; Heddle Nash, [Tenor] ; Dennis Noble, [baritone] ; Norman Allin. | Columbia. |
Panis angelicus = O wond'rous heavenly bread / Coates, César Franck. Berceuse de Jocelyn : Angels guard thee / Reilly, Godard. | Dennis Noble, baritone ; with string quartet ; Herbert Dawson, organ. | |
Drink to me only with thine eyes / Ben Jonson, lyrics ; J. Batten, arranger ; Traditional. | Hubert Eisdell, [Tenor] ; Heddle Nash, [Tenor] ; Dennis Noble, [baritone] ; Norman Allin. | Columbia. |
Passing by / Herrick, [lyrics] ; Purcell, [music]. | Hubert Eisdell, [Tenor] ; Heddle Nash, [Tenor] ; Dennis Noble, [baritone] ; Norman Allin. | Columbia. |
Passing by / Herrick, [lyrics] ; Purcell, [music]. | Hubert Eisdell, [Tenor] ; Heddle Nash, [Tenor] ; Dennis Noble, [baritone] ; Norman Allin. | Columbia. |
There'll always be an England / Parker and Charles. Lords of the air / Michael North, Davy Burnaby. | The Band of H.M. Coldstream guards, conducted by Capt. J. Causley Windram with Dennis Noble (vocalist) and quartet. | |
By the wayside, Part 2 / Sir Edward Elgar. | Dora Labette, [soprano] ; Harold Williams, [baritone] ; Hubert Eisdel, [tenor] ; Dennis Noble, [baritone] ; Robert Easton, [bass] ; Halle Chorus with Orchestra ; Sir Hamilton Harty, condutor. | Columbia. |
By the wayside, Part 1 / Sir Edward Elgar. | Dora Labette, [soprano] ; Harold Williams, [baritone] ; Hubert Eisdel, [tenor] ; Dennis Noble, [baritone] ; Robert Easton, [bass] ; Halle Chorus with Orchestra ; Sir Hamilton Harty, condutor. | Columbia. |
By the wayside / Sir Edward Elgar. | Dora Labbette, [soprano] ; Harold Williams, [baritone] ; Hubert Eisdell [tenor] : Dennis Noble, [baritone], Robert Easton, [bass] ; Halle Chorus with Orchestra ; Sir Hamilton Harty, conductor. | Columbia. |
By the wayside / Sir Edward Elgar. | Dora Labette, [soprano] ; Harold Williams, [baritone] ; Hubert Eisdel, [tenor] ; Dennis Noble, [baritone] ; Robert Easton, [bass] ; Halle Chorus with Orchestra ; Sir Hamilton Harty, condutor. | Columbia. |