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15 result(s) found for "Imperial Quartet.".
TitlePerformerGeneric Label
It's A Long Way To Tipperary.Imperial Quartet.
The cross-bow : It takes nine tailors to make a man : from "Robin Hood" / De Koven. Way down yonder in the cornfield.Imperial Quartet, male quartet.
Forsaken / Koeschat.Imperial Quartet.
The bees' wedding.Imperial Flute Quartet.Berliner.
Chants sans paroles.Imperial Flute Quartet.Berliner.
I'm A Pilgrim, I'm A Stranger G W Marston.Imperial Quaret.
Song of the Volga boatmen.Russian Imperial Art Quartet, with symphony orchestra.Berliner.
Some Blessed Day George B Nevin.Imperial Quartet.
A perfect day / Carrie Jacobs Bond.Imperial Quartet.
My ain folk / Composer, Laura G Lemon ; lyric, W Mills.Leila Megane, contralto.
Home, sweet home, for you we're fighting / J. Lawson ; [G.V. Thompson].Robert Lewis ; Imperial Quartette with orchestra.Columbia.
A Perfect Day Carrie Jacobs-bond.Hon William N Runyon.
My ain folk / Laura G. Lemon. A perfect day / Carrie Jacobs-Bond.Imperial Quartet (male quartet).
By order of the King / McNutt, lyrics ; Kelly, music.Imperial Quartette, vocal quartette, male voices with orchestra.Columbia.
Love's old sweet song / Molloy. My old Kentucky home / Foster.Amelita Galli-Curci, soprano ; Homer Samuels, piano.


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