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Overture : Conclusion introduction : Act 1 (Part 1) : Notte e giorno faticar Don Giovanni / Da Ponte ; Mozart.Baccaloni ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Cosi fan tutte : Act II : Recitative : Cos' è tal mascherata? ; Quaretto : La mano a me date / Mozart.Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Cosi fan tutte : Act II : Recitative : Sorella, cosa dici? ; Duetto : Prendero quel brunettino / Mozart.Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Cosi fan tutte : Act I : Recitative : Ah, non partial ; Aria : Non state ritosi ; Terzetto : E voi ridete? / Mozart.Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Arai, act I : Dalla sua pace Don Giovanni / Da Ponte ; Mozart.Pataky ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Cosi fan tutte : Act I : Aria : Un' aura amorosa / Mozart.Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Cosi fan tutte, vol 1 / Mozart.Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.
Cosi fan tutte : Act II : Recitative : Barbara! perche fuggi? / Mozart.Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Finale : Act 2 (Part 2) : Questo poi la conosco pur troppo : Don Giovanni / Da Ponte ; Mozart.Baccaloni ; Brownlee ; Helletsgruber ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Recitativo : Act 2 : Ah, ah, ah, ah, questa e buona : Don Giovanni / Da Ponte ; Mozart.Brownlee ; Baccaloni ; Franklin ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Finale : Act 1 (Part 3) : Signor guardate un poco : Don Giovanni / Da Ponte ; Mozart.Baccaloni ; Brownlee ; Souez ; Helletsgruber ; Pataky ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Cosi fan tutte : Act I : Finale (Concluded) : Dammi un bacio / Mozart.Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Aria : Act 2 : Il mio tesoro intanto : Don Giovanni / Da Ponte ; Mozart.Pataky ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Cosi fan tutte : Act I : Finale (Part 3) : Piu domestiche e trattabili / Mozart.Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Recitativo : Act 2 : In qualiexxessi, o numi : Don Giovanni / Da Ponte ; Mozart.Helletsgruber ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Duet : Act 2 : O statua gentilissima : Don Giovanni / Da Ponte ; Mozart.Baccaloni ; Brownlee ; Franklin ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Don Giovanni. Recitativo, act 2 : Dunque quello sei tu ; Aria : Ah, pieta! signor miell ; Recitativo : Ferma, perfido, ferma! / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Helletsgruber ; Pataky ; Henderson ; Baccaloni ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Cosi fan tutte : Act I : Finale (part 2) : Il tragico spettacolo / Mozart.Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Finale : Act 2 (Part 1) : Gia la mensa e preparata : Don Giovanni / Da Ponte ; Mozart.Brownlee ; Baccaloni ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Recitativo : Act 1 : Povera sventurata! : Don Giovanni ; Recitativo : Act 1 : Don Giovanni son morta : Don Giovanni / Da Ponte ; Mozart.Brownlee ; Souze ; Pataky ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Cosi fan tutte : Act I : Recitative : Oh che bella giornata / Mozart.Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Cosi fan tutte : Act I : Finale (Part 1) : Ah! che tutta in un momento / Mozart.Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Cosi fan tutte : Act II : Recitative : Andate la ; Aria : Una donna a quindici anni / Mozart.Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Introduction : Act 1 (Part 2) : Non sperar, se mon m'uccidi : Don Giovanni / Da Ponte ; Mozart.Souez ; Brownlee ; Baccaloni ; Franklin ; Fritz Busch ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company.
Aria : Act 2 (Conclusion) : Calma, calma il tuo tormento : Don Giovanni / Da Ponte ; Mozart.Souez ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Cosi fan tutte : Act II : Duetto : Il core vi dono / Mozart.Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Overture : Part 1 : Don Giovanni / Mozart.Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Cosi Fan Tutte : Act I : Finale (Part 4) : Dove son! / Mozart.Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Broncho buster ; Pride of the prairie.Victor Minstrels ; Victor Minstrels.
Don Giovanni. Recitativo, act 1 : Fermati, scellerato! ; Aria, act 1 : Ah! fuggi il traditor! ; Recitativo, act 1 : Mi par ch'oggi / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Helletsgruber ; Mildmay ; Brownlee ; Patakey ; Souez ; Fritz Busch ; [Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company].Victor.
Easter hymn : from Cavalleria rusticana / Mascagni. Barcarolle : Lovely night, O night of love : from Tales of Hoffman : act 3 / Offenbach.Jeanne Dusseau, soprano ; Nancy Evans, contralto ; Sadler's Wells Orchestra and Chorus ; Warwick Braithwaite, conductor.
Aria, act 1 : Or sai, chi l'onore recitativo ; Act 1 : Come mai creder dggio Don Giovanni / Da Ponte ; Mozart.Souez ; Pataky ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Gems from "the Mikado"--part 2 ; "Gentlemen of Japan" ; "A wandering minstrel" ; "A song of the sea" / Gilbert and Sullivan.Victor Light Opera Company.
Gems from "The Mikado". Gilbert and Sullivan.Victor Light Opera Company.
Italian Street Song. Victor Herbert.Lucy Isabelle Marsh; Victor Light Opera Company; Orchestra.
An evening with the minstrels, no. 6 : the calkwalk in coontown.Victor Minstrels Company.
Don Giovanni. Recitativo Di molti faci il lume = Surely advancing torches ; Sestet. Part 1 : Sola, sola in bujo loco = In the solemn hush / [Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Baccaloni ; Helletsgruber ; Pataky ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Co. ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
An evening with the minstrels, no. 8 : grand finale : "levee scenes".Victor Minstrels Company.
The Rambler Minstrel Company (Record C).The Rambler Minstrel Company (Record C.); sung by Billy Murray.Columbia
The desert song : Vocal gems, part 1 : Riff song ; Romance ; Desert song / harbach ; Hammerstein 2nd ; Romberg.Light Opera Company ; Nathaniel Shilkret, conductor.
Victor Minstrels no. 10 (Introducing "Bye, bye, my sailor boy" and "Good bye, honey. good bye").Victor Minstrels.
Don Giovanni. Quartet Non ti fidar = Rather repose thy faith on air / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Helletsgruber ; Souez ; Pataky ; Brownlee ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Duet, act 1 : Fuggi crudele, fuggi! / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Pataky ; Souez ; Fritz Busch ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Duet, O statua gentilissima = So please your marble mightiness, act 2 / [Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Baccaloni ; Brownlee ; Franklin ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Co. ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Recitativo, Dunque quello sei tu = It was then at thy hands, act 2 ; Aria Ah, pieta! signori miei! = Tongue or blows, I merit neither ; Recitativo, Ferma, perfido, ferma! = Stay thee, wicked one / [Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Helletsgruber ; Pataky ; Roy Henderson ; Salvatore Baccaloni ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Gems from "Traviata" : Part 1 / Verdi.Victor Opera Company.
Don Giovanni. Finale. Part 5 : Ah! dov' è il perfido? = Where lurks the murderer? / [Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Helletsgruber ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Pataky ; Henderson ; Baccaloni ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Co. ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Gems From Carmen. Bizet.Victor Opera Company; Orchestra.
Don Giovanni. Recitativo, act 1 : Orso, spicciati presto ; Trio, act 1 : Ahi chi mi dice mai / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Brownlee ; Baccaloni ; Helletsgruber ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Aria, act 1, Con. : Pace, pace, o vita mia! ; Recitativo, act 1 : Guarda un po ; Finale, act 1. Part 1 Presto, presto / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Henderson ; Brownlee ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.His Master's Voice.
Gems from "Rigoletto" : Pleasure calles us ; Carved upon my heart ; Love is the sun ; Woman is ficklen ; Fairest daughter / Verdi.Victor Opera Company.
Don Giovanni. Sestet (concluded), Perdon, perdono! = O sirs, forgive me / [Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Baccaloni ; Helletsgruber ; Pataky ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Co. ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Finale. Part 4 : Tu m'invitasti a cena = So, Don Juan, thou didst invite me / [Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Franklin ; Baccaloni ; Brownlee ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Co.; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Cosi fan tutte : Act I : Duetto and chorus : Secondate "aurette amiche" / Mozart.Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.
Gems from My Maryland" / Romberg ; Donnelly.Victor Light Opera Company.
Don Giovanni. Canzonetta, act, 2 : Deh vieni alla finestra ; Recitativo, Act 2 : Ve gente alla finestra / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Brownlee ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.His Master's Voice.
Don Giovanni. Aria, Mi tradi quell'alma ingrata = Faithless man, he has betrayed me / [Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Luise Helletsgruber ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Co. ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Duet, act 2 : Eh via buffone / His Master's Voice.Baccaloni ; Brownlee ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.His Master's Voice.
Make a lot of noide ; Every day she wanted something else.Victor Minstrels ; Victor Minstrels.
Don Giovanni. Finale, act 2 (conclusion) : Io men vado in un ritiro / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Helletsgruber ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Baccaloni ; Pataky ; Souez ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Bye bye my sailor boy ; Goodbye honey goodbye.Victor Minstrels ; Victor Minstrels.
New Orleans minstrels (No. 27) / Daly.Victor Minstrel Company.
Gems from "Pagliacci" ; Ding dong ; This evening at seven ; Ye birds without number ; Pagliacci's lament ; (Vesti la giubba) ; Just look, my love ; See they come! / Leoncavallo.Victor Opera Company, with orchestra.
Don Giovanni. Duettino La ci darem la mano! = Bid me not resign / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.John Brownlee ; Audrey Mildmay ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company conducted by Fritz Busch.Victor.
Gems from "Sunny" / Harbach ; Hammerstein ; Kern. Gems from "Cocoanuts" / Irving Berlin.Vocals and instrumental accompaniment by Victor Light Opera Company.
No. 12; introducing "Dixie"-"The girl I love" and "H-A-S-H"-"Dat am the world I love".Victor minstrels.
Gems from "Traviata" : Part 2 / Verdi.Victor Opera Company.
Don Giovanni. Aria, act 1 : Ho capito ; Recitativo : Alfin siam liberati / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Roy Henderson ; Brownlee ; Mildmay ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Gems from "Faust" / Gounod. Gems from "Rigoletto" / Verdi.Victor Opera Company.
Don Giovanni. Recitativo In quali eccessi, o numi = Heavens, into what excesses / [Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Luise Helletsgruber, sop ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Co. ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Finale, act 2 : Ah! dov' è il perfido? / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Helletsgruber ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Pataky ; Henderson ; Baccaloni ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Aria, act 1 : Nella Bionda / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Baccaloni ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Finale, act 1. Part 2 : Tra quest' arbori celata / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Brownlee, Henderson ; Helletsgruber, Pataky ; Souez ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, cond.His Master's Voice.
Song of the flame : from the musical play "Song of the flame" / Gershwin ; Harbach ; Hammerstein ; Stothart.Victor Light Opera Company, with orchestra.
Minstrel show of 1929, part 2 : Allus the same in Dixie ; By the light of the silvery moon ; Abraham Lincoln Jones ; Under the bamboo tree ; Carry me back to old Virginny ; Climbing up the golden stairs / Grant ; Cook ; Madden ; Edwards ; Bland.Victor Minstrels, male voices with orchestra.
No. 13 introducing "My dream of the U. S. A." and "Moonbeam".Victor Minstrels.
Victor Minstrels no. 10 : introducing "Bye, bye, my sailor boy" and "Good bye, honey. good bye".Victor Minstrels.
Minstrel show of 1929, part 1 : Make a lot of noise ; Down where the matermelon grows ; Lazy moon ; Oh! dem golden slippers / Cohan ; Cole ; Johnson ; Shields ; Evans ; Bland.Victor Minstrels, male voices with orchestra.
Don Giovanni. Aria, act 2 : Vedrai carino / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.His Master's Voice.
Don Giovanni. Questo poi la conosco pur troppo. Finale. Part 2 = I know that theme only too well, Non più Andrai / [Da Ponte, lyrics] ; [Mozart, music].Baccaloni ; Brownlee ; Helletsgruber ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Co. ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Aria Il mio tesoro intanto = Fly then, my love / [Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Koloman von Pataky, tenor ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company.Victor.
Favorite airs from the mascot / Edmond Audran.Edison Light Opera Company.Edison
My dream of the U.S.A. ; Moonbeams.Victor Minstrels ; Victor Minstrels.
Gems from "When dreams come true" / Bartholomae, Hein. Gems from "The madcap duchess" / Stevens, Herbert.Victor Light Opera Company.
Gems from "Pagllacci" / Leoncavallo.Victor Opera Company, with orchestra.
Morning noon and night, pt 2 / Suppe.Honourable Artillery Company's Band.
Moonlight on the lake / White. Victor minstrels no. 10 : introducing "Bye, bye, my sailor boy" and "Good bye, honey, good bye."[Side A] Peerless Quartet ; [Side B] Victor Minstrels.
Gems from "The pink lady" / McLellan, Caryll.Victor Light Opera Company with orchestra.
Don Giovanni. Aria, Ho capito ; Recitativo : Alfin siam liberati / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Roy Henderson ; Brownlee ; Mildmay ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Don Giovanni : Duet & chorus : Giovinette, che fate / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Henderson ; Brownlee ; Baccaloni ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Aria, act 2 : Meta di voi qua vadano ; Recitativo, act 2 : Zitto, lascia ch'io senta / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Brownlee ; Henderson ; Mildmay ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Finale, act 1. Part 5 : Ricominciate il suono! / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Brownlee ; Baccaloni ; Pataky ; Helletsgruber ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.His Master's Voice.
Gems from "Rigolette" : Pleasure calls us ; Carved upon my heart ; Love is the sun ; Woman is fickle / Verdi.Victor Light Opera Company ; Victor Orchestra.
Don Giovanni. Act 2, Recitativo : Di molte faci il lume ; Sestet : Sola, sola in bujo loco / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Baccaloni ; Helletsgruber ; Pataky ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Aria, concluded, Calma, calma il tuo tormento = Calm, ah calm thy gentle sorrow, act 2 / [Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Ina Souez, sop. ; Fritz Busch, conductor ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Co.Victor.
No. 13 : introducing "My dream of the U. S. A." and "Moonbeam".Victor Minstrels.
Don Giovanni. Recitativo, act 1: Don Giovanni sei qui? ; Aria, act 1 : Madamina / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Brownlee ; Baccaloni ; Helletsgruber ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Finale, act 1. Part 4 : Riposate vezzose ragazze / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Brownlee ; Baccaloni ; Helletsgruber ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.His Master's Voice.
Gems from "Cavalleria rusticana" : Blossom of oranges ; Alflo's song ; My king of roses ; San-tuzza's aria ; Drinking song ; Easter anthem / Mascagni.Victor Opera Company, with orchestra.
Gems from "Aida", part 2 : Glory to Isis ; My native land : o patria mia ; Oh king in thy power transcendent ; Fatal stone / Verdi.Victor Opera Company with orchestra.
Don Giovanni. Recitativo Fermati, scellerato! = Villain, to what art purpos'd? ; Aria Ah! fuggi il traditor! = A lie is on his lip ; Recitativo Mi par ch'oggi = Beelzebub hath made my plans / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Helletsgruber ; Mildmay ; Brownlee ; Patakey ; Souez ; Fritz Busch ; [Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company].Victor.
Gems from Faust ; Kermesse waltz ; Flower song ; Jewel song ; Garden scene ; Prison scene ; Soldiers' chorus / Gounod.Victor Light Opera Company ; Victor Orchetsra.
Gems From The Desert Song. Schipa.Orch ; Nath'l Shilkret; Victor Light Opera Co ; Male Chorus Tito Schipa; With Orchestra.Victor.
The Old Veterans Shelton Brooks.Shelton Brooks; Company.
Gems from "Il Trovatore" / Verdi.Victor Opera Company, accompaniment by Victor Orchestra.
Don Giovanni. Recitativo, act 1 : Io deggio ad ogni patto ; Aria, act 1 : Finch' han dal vino / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Baccaloni ; Brownlee ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.His Master's Voice.
Don Giovanni. Recitativo, Calmatevi, idol mio! = Calm thee, act 2 ; Recitativo, Crudelle? ahno, mio bene = Unkind ; Aria. Part 1 : Non midir = Never say that cold displeasure / [Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Koloman van Pataky, tenor ; Ina Souez, sop ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Recitativo Ah, ah, ah! questa è buona = Ha, ha, ha! this is good fun, Act 2 / [Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Brownlee ; Baccaloni ; Franklin ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Co. ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Gems From The Desert Song. Harbach; Hammerstein 2nd; Rombert.Morton Bows; Chorus; Nath'l Shilkret; Victor Light Opera Co.Victor.
Gems from "Rigoletto" / Verdi.Victor Light Opera Company.
Gems from "Cavalleria rusticana" / Mascagni. Gems from " Pagliacci" / Leoncavallo.Victor Opera comapny.
Gems from Mignon / Thomas Ambroise. Gems from Tales of Hoffman / Jacques Offenbach.The Victor Opera Company.
Arkansas minstrels : Alabama ; Goodbye Eliza Jane ; What the brass band played.Victor Minstrel Company.
Don Giovanni. Duettino, act 1 : La ci darem la mano! / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Brownlee ; Mildmay ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Gia la mensa è preparata. Finale. Part 1 = Richest dainties rise before me, act 2 / [Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.John Brownlee, bar. ; Salvatore Baccaloni, bass ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Don Giovanni : Finale, Tu m'invitasti a cena / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Franklin ; Baccaloni ; Brownlee ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Southern wedding / Lotter. Missouri Minstrels.Side A. Conway's Band. Side B. Victor Minstrel Company with orchestra.
Don Giovanni : Duet and chorus : Giovinette, che fate ; Recitativo : Manco male, é partita / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Henderson ; Brownlee ; Baccaloni ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Finale, concluded, Io men vado in un ritiro = I will go into a convent, act 2 / [Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Helletsgruber ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Baccaloni ; Pataky ; Souez ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
An Evening At Mrs. Clancey's Boarding House Porter.Victor Vaudeville Company.Berliner.
The quaker girls : Vocal gems : 1st record ; A Quaker girl ; A dancing lesson ; Valse lente ; Entrance of Quakers ; Barbizon / Monokton.Light Opera Company.
Don Giovanni. Finale. Part 3 : Ah! signor! per carita! / [Da Ponte, lyrics] ; Mozart, music.Baccaloni ; Brownlee ; Franklin ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Co. ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Don Giovanni. Recitativo Povero sventurata! = Wretched afflicted woman ; Recitativo Don Ottavio! son morta = Don Octavio, I perish / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Brownlee ; Souez ; Pataky ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch, conductor.Victor.
Buddys Shelton Brooks.Shelton Brooks; Company.
Don Giovanni. Trio, act 2 (conclusion) : Dei, che cimento è questoi / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Helletsgruber, Baccaloni, Brownlee ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Frtiz Busch, conductor.His Master's Voice.
Cossack love song (Don't forget me) : from the musical play "Song of the flame" / Gershwin ; Harbach ; Hammerstein ; Stothart.Victor Light Opera Company, with orchestra.
I'd rather be a lobster than a wise guy / [Madden] ; Morse. At the village post office / [Harlan ; Porter].Billy Murray, tenor, with orchestra (1st work) ; Victor Vaudeville Company (2nd work).
Gems from "Martha" / Flotow.Victor Light Opera Company.
Gems from "Il Trevatore" : Tremble ye tyrants di quella pira ; Tempest of the heart il balen ; Home to our mountains ; I have sighed to rest me ; Miserere / Verdi.Victor Opera Company with orchestra.
Gems from "Aida": Part 2 ; Glory to isis ; My native land ; But oh king in thy power transcendent ; Priests to isis ; Fatal stone / Verdi.Victor Opera Company, with orchestra.
Louisiana minstrels : Push dem clouds away ; I don't care if yo' nebber come back ; Goodbye sweet old Manhattan Isle.Victor Minstrel Company.
No. 12 : introducing "Dixie, and the girl I love" and "H-A-S-H dat am the world I love".Victor minstrels.
Gems from "The desert song" / Harbach, Hammerstein, Mandel, Romberg. Gems from "Countess Maritza" / Smith, Kalman.Victor Light Opera Company, mixed voices with orchestra.
Gems from "Aida": Part 1 ; Almighty phtha ; Celeste Aida ; Come bind thy flowing tresses ; Love fatal power ; On to victory / Verdi.Victor Opera Company, with orchestra.
Favorite airs from the beggar student / [Millöcker].Edison Light Opera Company.Edison
Don Giovanni. Finale, act 1 (conclusion) : Ecco il birbo! / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Brownlee ; Baccaloni ; Pataky ; Helletsgruber ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.His Master's Voice.
Don Giovanni. Sestet, act 2 (conclusion) : Pèrdon, perdono! / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Baccaloni ; Helletsgruber ; Pataky ; Souez ; Mildmay ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
Gems from "Aida", part 1 : Almighty phtha ; Heavenly Aida : celeste Aida ; Come, bind thy flowing tresses ; Love, finale power ; On the victory / Verdi.Victor Opera Company with orchestra.
Morning noon and night, pt 1 / Suppe.Honourable Artilery Company's Band.
Gems from "Tales of Hoffman" / Offenbach.Gems from "Mignon" / Thomas.Victor Opera Company.
Don Giovanni. Recitativo, act 1 : Masetto, senti un poi ; Aria, Batti, batti, o bel Masetto / Da Ponte, lyrics ; Mozart, music.Mildmay ; Henderson ; Glyndebourne Festival Opera Company ; Fritz Busch.Victor.
When the band strikes up "Dixie land" ; Smiling star.Victor Minstrels ; Victor Minstrels.
Military Minstrels (No. 26) : Yankee doodle boy ; Bunker hill ; I'd love to lead a military band.Victor Minstrel Company.
The desert song : Vocal gems, part 2 : One flower ; French military march ; One alone / Harbach ; Hammerstein 2nd ; Romberg.Light Opera Company ; Nathaniel Shilkret, conductor.
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