Let the rest of the world go by / Ball. | Prince's Orchestra. | |
As Long As The World Rolls On Ernest Ball. | Henry Burr. | Columbia |
Mother Machree Ernest Ball. | Henry Burr. | |
A Little Bit of Heaven / Ernest R. Ball. | McKee Trio, violin, 'Cello and piano. | |
Down the trail to home sweet home / Ernest R. Ball. | Bell & Sharpe, tenor, baritone, orch. acc. | |
Mother Machree / Ball. | Alberto Salvi, harp solo. | |
Tripoli ; Down the trail to home sweet home / Irving Weill ; Ernest R. Ball. | Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra. | |
When Irish eyes are smiling / Ball. | Gérard Barbeau, soprano ; Laure Fink, piano. | |
A little bit of Heaven / E.R. Ball. | Denis O'Brien. | |
Down the trail to home sweet home / Ernest R. Ball. | William Robyn. | |
It takes an Irish heart to sing an Irish song. | Terence O'Connor. | |
Mother Marchree / Ball. | Alberto Salivi. | |
I'll change the shadows to sunshine / Ernest R. Ball. | Mary Carson, soprano ; Emory B. Randolph, tenor. | |
When Irish Eyes Are Smiling / Ball. | Gérard Barbeau, soprano ; Laure Fink, piano. | |
Down the trail to home sweet home / Ernest R. Ball. | William Robyn (tenor with orchestra). | |
Dear little boy of mine / Ball. | Irving Gillette, tenor solo with orch. acc. | |
Le joli rêve (Let the rest of the world go by) / Ball ; Barthus. | Hector Pellerin, avec orchestre. | |
You Have Always Been The Same Old Pal Ernest Ball. | Henry Burr; With Orchestra. | |
Let the end of the world come tomorrow (as long as you love me today) / Cunningham ; Ball. | Cyril Davies ; Helen Grant, duet. | |
You're making a miser of me / Dubin ; Ball. | Sam Ash, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment. | |
Till I'm called by the master above / James Donahue ; Ernest R. Ball. | Robert Bruce, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment. | |
To Have, To Hold, To Love Ernest Ball. | Bert Brown; Pryor's Band. | |
Love me and the world is mine / Ball. | Harry Macdonough, tenor, with Haydn Quartet and orchestra. | Berliner. |
Here's love and success to you / Ernest R. Ball. | Henry Burr, tenor solo, orchestra accompaniment. | |
Down the trail to home sweet home / Ernest R. Ball. | Henry Burr (tenor with orch.). | |
A little bit of heaven : sure they call it Ireland / Ernest R. Ball. | Harry McClaskey (tenor orchestra accompaniment). | |
You're making a miser of me / Ball ; Dubin. | Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra. | |
All the world will be jealous of me / Ball. | Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra accompaniment. | |
West of the great divide / George Whiting ; Ernest R. Ball. | Henry Burr. | |
To the end of the world with you / Ball. | Henry Burr. | |
To have, to hold, to love / Ball. | Henry Burr. | |
Time After Time / J. Keirn Brennan ; Ernst R. Ball. | Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra. | |
She's the daughter of mother Machree / Ball. | Andrea Sarto, baritone, orch. acc. | |
To the end of the world with you / Reed ; Ball. | Henry Burr with orchestra. | |
Down the trail to home sweet home / Ernest R. Ball. | Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra. | |
Good night, good night / Ball. | Henry Burr, with orchestra accompaniment. | |
For the sake of Auld Lang Syne / Graff ; Jr. ; Burns ; Ball. | Lewis James. | |
I'll change the shadows to sunshine / Ernest R. Ball. | Henry Burr, tenor solo, orchestra accompaniment. | |
If you'll remember me / Ball. | Henry Burr. | |
My heart has learned to love you, now do not say good bye / Ball. | Henry Burr, tenor solo, orchestra accompaniment. | |
A little bit of heaven, or, Sure they call it Ireland / Ernest R. Ball. | Harry McClaskey, with orchestra accompaniment. | |
I'm going back to California : that's where I belong / Brennan ; Ball. | Henry Burr, tenor with orch. acc. | |
A little bit of heaven / Ball. | Harry McClaskey, tenor. | |
Down the trail to home sweet home / Ball. | Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra accompaniment. | |
Allah, give me mine! / Caro Roma ; Ernest R. Ball. | Harry McClasky, tenor with orchestra. | |
West of the Great Divide / George Whiting ; Ernest R. Ball. | Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra. | |
Love me and the world is mine / Ernest R. Ball. | Henry Burr, tenor solo, orchestra accompaniment. | |
My sunshine Jane / Ernest Ball. | Sterling Trio, orchestra accompaniment. | |
Little bit of heaven (shure they call it Ireland) / Ball. | Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia. |
Our hearts go out to you, Canada / Ball. | Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra. | Columbia. |
Norma darling / Ball. | Irving Gillette [i.e. Henry Burr]. | |
My Dear Ernest Ball. | Harry Macdonough; With Orchestra. | |
My Dear Ernest Ball. | Harry Macdonough; With Orchestra. | |
Down The Trail To Home Sweet Home Ernest R Ball. | Henry Burr; With Orchestra. | |
Little bit of heaven (shure they call it Ireland) / Ball. | John Barnes Wells, tenor with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia. |
Little bit of heaven (shure they call it Ireland) / Ball. | John Barnes Wells, tenor with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia. |
Little bit of heaven (shure they call it Ireland) / Ball. | John Barnes Wells, tenor with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia. |
Love me and the world is mine / Ball. | William T. Evans, tenor ; accompaniment by Victor Orchestra. | Berliner. |
Let the rest of the world go by / Brennan ; Ball. | James ; Hart, tenor duet with orchestra accompaniment. | |
A little bit of heaven / Brennan ; Ball. | Tenor ? | |
In the garden of my heart / Caro Roma ; Ernest Ball. | Reed Miller, tenor, with orchestra. | |
I'll forget you / Ball ; Burns. | John Steel. | |
December and May / Ernest R. Ball. | Albert Campbell, tenor solo, orchestra accompaniment. | |
'Tis an Irish girl I love and she's just like you / Brennan ; Dubin ; Ball. | John McCormack (tenor with orchestra). | |
In the sunshine of your love : from "Barry of Ballymore" / Reed ; Olcott ; Ball. | Harry Macdonough with orchestra. | |
Mother Machree / Chauncey Olcott ; Ernest Ball. | McKee Trio, violin, 'Cello and piano. | |
December and May / Ernest R. Ball. | Albert Campbell, tenor solo, orchestra accompaniment. | |
I'll forget you / Burns ; Ball. | John Steel (tenor with orchestra). | |
Mother Machree : from "Barry of Ballymore" / Chauncey Olcott ; Ernest Ball. | McKee Trio. | |
Mother macheree / Chauncey Olcott ; Ernest Ball. | McKee Trio. | |
'Tis an Irish girl I love and she's just like you / Brennan ; Dubin ; Ball. | John McCormack, tenor with orchestra. | |
You don't know how glad i am to get back home / Dave Reed ; Ernest R. Ball. | Billy Murray. | |
I'll forget you / Anneiu Burns ; Ernest R. Ball. The world is waiting for the sunrise / Eugene Lockhart ; Ernest Seitz. | John Steel. | |
December and May / Ernest R. Ball. | Albert Campbell, tenor solo; orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia |
Love me and the world is mine / Ball. | Emil Keneke. | Berliner. |
L'amour est roi / Reed ; Ball ; Parent. | Lionel Parent. | |
Dans le jardin de mon coeur, or, In the garden of my heart / Roma ; Ball ; Parent. | Lionel Parent. | |
Here's love and success to you / Graff ; Ball. | Peerless Quartette. | |
I'm coming back to California : that's were I belong / J. Keirn Brennan ; Ernest R. Ball. | Peerless Quartet, male quartet with orchestra. | |
Good bye, good luck, God bless you / Ernest Ball. | Peerless Quartet, orchestra accompaniment. | |
Dans le jardin de mon coeur = In the garden of my heart / Roma ; Ball ; Parent. | Lionel Parent, baryton avec orchestre. | |
To have, to hold, to love / [Ball, music ; MacBoyle, lyrics]. | Henry Burr, with orchestra accompaniment. | |
Goodbye, my love, goodbye / Ernest R. Ball. | Columbia Quartette, vocal quartette with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia |
You have always been the same old pal / [Ernest R. Ball, music] ; [B. Fitzgibbon, lyrics]. | Henry Burr. | Indestructible Record |
A little bit of heaven : shure they call it Ireland : from Olcott's "The heart of paddy whack" / J. Keirn Brennan ; E. R. Ball. | Charles Harrison, tenor with orchestra. | |
Let the rest of the world go by / Ernest R. Ball ; J. Keirn Brennan. | Qula Helene Evans. | |
Let the best of the world go by / J. Kern Brennan ; Ernest R. Ball. | Oula Helene Evans, vocal solo with orch. | |
A little bit of heaven : shure they call it Ireland : from Olcott's "The Heart of Paddy Whack" / J. Keirn Brennan ; E. R. Ball. | Charles Harrison, tenor with orchestra. | |
Out there in the sunshine with you / Ball ; Brennan. | Allen McQuhae, tenor with orchestra. | |
A little bit of heaven / Brennan ; Ball. | O.J. McCormack, baritone, orchestra accompaniment. | |
Love Me And The World Is Mine Ernest Ball. | Albert Campbell; With Orchestra. | |
Till The Sands Of The Desert Grow Cold Graff; Ball. | Alan Turner; Victor Orchestra. | |
Good night, good night / Ball, music ; [Gardiner, lyrics]. | Henry Burr, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia |
Down the trail to home, sweet home / Ball. | Charles Hart ; Elliot Shaw. | Berliner. |
To have, to hold, to love / Maceayl ; Ball. | Harry Macdonough ; Victor Orchestra. | |
Come back to Erin, Mona darling / Ernest Ball. | Burr & Campbell, tenor duet. | |
I'll forget you / A. E. Burns ; E. R. Ball. | Lewis James. | |
To have, to hold, to love / Ernest Ball. | Bert Brown, cornet solo ; Pryor's Band. | |
Let us have peace / [Ball, music] ; [Graff, lyrics]. | H[arry] H. McClaskey. | U. S. Everlasting. |
After the roses have faded away / Ball, music ; [Buchanan, lyrics]. | Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra accompaniment. | |
I'll change the shadows to sunshine / Ernest R. Ball ; [George Graff, lyrics]. | Henry Burr, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia |
I'll change the shadows to sunshine / Ernest R. Ball. | Irving Gillette [i.e. Henry Burr]. | Edison |
If you'll remember me : from "ragged robin" / Ball. | Sung by Henry Burr. | |
I love, and the world is mine, or, Love me and the world is mine / Dave Reed, Jr., lyrics ; Ernest R. Ball, music. | Henry Burr. | Berliner. |
If you'll remember me / Ball [Ernest] ; [Chauncy Olcott]. | Henry Burr, tenor solo; orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia |
Here's love and success to you / Ernest R. Ball, music ; [George Graff, lyrics]. | Henry Burr, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia |
You're making a miser of me / Ball, music ; [Dubin, lyrics]. | Henry Burr, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia |
Love me and the world is mine. | Henry Burr, vocal with orchestra accomp. | |
Good-bye, good luck, God bless you / Ernest R. Ball. Wake up, America / Glogan [i.e. Glogau]. | Ernest R. Ball, tenor, with orchestra (1st work) ; Henry Burr, tenor, with orchestra (2nd work). | Columbia. |
Mother Machree / Olcott ; Ball. | Henry Burr, tenor solo with orchestra. | |
All the world will be jealous of me / Ball ; Dubin. | Henry Burr, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment. | |
Good night, good night / Ruth K. Gardiner, lyrics ; Ernest R. Ball, music. | George MacFarlane, baritone with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Good night, good night / Ruth K. Gardiner, lyrics ; Ernest R. Ball, music. | George MacFarlane, baritone with orchestra. | Victor. |
Time after time / Brennan ; Ball. | Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra. | |
Out there in the sunshine with you / Ernest R. Ball ; J. Keirn Brennan. | Henry Burr, with orchestra. | |
Ten thousand years from now / Brennan ; Ball. | Henry Burr. | |
Ten Thousand Years From Now / J. Keirn Brennan ; Ernst R. Ball. | Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra. | |
Out there in the sunshine with you / J. Kern Brennan ; Ernest R. Ball. | Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra. | |
A little bit of heaven / E. R. Ball ; J. K. Brennan. | Harry McClaskey, tenor, orch. acc. | |
Dear little boy of mine / Brennan ; Ball. | Sam Ash, tenor with orchestra accompaniment. | |
Out there in the sunshine with you / Brennan ; Ball. | Henry Burr. | |
In the garden of my heart / [Ball]. | Stanley ; Burr, duet. | Lakeside. |
Good-bye, good luck, God bless you / Brennan ; Ball. | Henry Burr, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment. | Oxford. |
Good-bye, good luck, God bless you (is all that I can say) / J. Kiern Brennan ; Ernest R. Ball. | Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra. | Victor. |
Let the rest of the world go by / Brennan, lyrics ; Ball, music. | Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra. | Victor. |
You planted a rose in the garden of love / Callahan ; Ball. | Henry Burr. | Pathé. |
Irish eyes of love / J. Edward Killalea, lyrics ; Ernest R. Ball, music. | George MacFarlane, baritone with orchestra. | Victor. |
Irish eyes of love / J. Edward Killalea, lyrics ; Ernest R. Ball, music. | George MacFarlane, baritone with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Because you believe in me / Ball ; Brennan. | Greek Evans. | Okeh. |
Good-bye, good luck, God bless you (is all that I can say) / J. Kiern Brennan ; Ernest R. Ball. | Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Let the rest of the world go by / Brennan, lyrics ; Ball, music. | Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Dear little boy of mine / Keirn Brennan ; Ernest R. Ball. | Leslie Bell Singers. | |
When Irish eyes are smiling / Olcott ; Graff jr. ; Ball. | Colin O'More. | |
The pride of erin ; when irish eyes are smiling / Ball ; Olcott ; Graff. | Jim Cameron's Scottish Dance Band. | |
Love me and the world is mine / Dave Reed, Jr., lyrics ; Ernest R. Ball, music. | Harry Macdonough. | Berliner. |
Till the sands of the desert grow cold / Ernest R. Ball, music ; [George Graff, lyrics]. | Frank Croxton, bass solo with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia |
Mother Machree / Chauncey Olcott and Ernest Ball. | Charles D'Almaine. | Edison. |
Love me and the world is mine / [Reed] ; Ball. | Albert Campbell, tenor, with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Mother Machree Olcott; Ball. | Charles Hackett; With Orchestra. | |
A little bit of Heaven / E.R. Ball ; J. Keirn Brennan. | Charles Harrison. | |
L'amour est roi = Love Me and the world would be mine / Reed ; Ball ; Parent. | Lionel Parent, baryton avec orch. | |
L'amour est roi : love me and the world is mine / Reed ; Ball ; Parent. | Lionel Parent, baryton avec orchestre. | |
Love me and the world is mine / Ball. | Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet. | |
My heart has learned to love you, now do not say good-bye / Ernest Ball. | Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, orchestra. | |
Good Night, Good Night Ruth K Gardiner; Ernest R Ball. | George Macfarlane; With Orchestra. | |
Mother Machree / Ball ; Olcott ; Young. | Jan Garber and his orchestra ; Tommy Traynor. | |
All the world will be jealous of me / Al Dubin ; Ernest R. Ball. | Emilio de Gogorza (baritone with orchestra). | |
A little bit of heaven / J. Keirn Brennan ; Ernest R. Ball. | John McCormack, tenor with orchestra, in English. | |
Dear little boy of mine / J. Keirn Brennan ; Ernest R. Ball. | Elsie Baker, contralto with orchestra. | |
A little bit of heaven / J. Keirn Brennan ; Ernest R. Ball. | Kenny Baker with orchestra. | |
Mother Machree : from "Barry of Ballymore" / R. J. Young ; Chauncey ; E. R. Ball. | Charles Harrison, tenor with orchestra. | |
Mother Machree : from "Barry of Ballymore" / R. J. Young ; Chauncey ; E. R. Ball. | Charles Harrison, tenor with orchestra. | |
A little bit of heaven (shure they call it Ireland) / J. Keirn Brennan, lyrics ; Ernest R. Ball, music. | George MacFarlane, baritone with orchestra. | Berliner. |
A little bit of heaven / Brennan ; Ball. | Tenor [i.e. John McCormack], with orchestra. | Compo. |
Who knows? / Ball ; [Dunbar]. | Craig Campbell, tenor. | Pathé. |
You're the best little mother that God ever made / J.K Brennan, lyrics ; Ernest R. Ball, music. | George MacFarlane, baritone with orchestra. | Berliner. |
A little bit of heaven / Brennan ; Ball. | Tenor [i.e. John McCormack], with orchestra. | Compo. |
To the lass we love, a toast / J. Keirn Brennan, lyrics ; Ernest R. Ball, music. | George MacFarlane, baritone with orchestra. | Victor. |
A breath o' bloomin' heather, from my little Highland hame / J. Keirn Brennan, lyrics ; Ernest R. Ball, music. | George MacFarlane, baritone with orchestra. | Victor. |
You're the best little mother that God ever made / J.K Brennan, lyrics ; Ernest R. Ball, music. | George MacFarlane, baritone with orchestra. | Victor. |
A little bit of heaven (shure they call it Ireland) / J. Keirn Brennan, lyrics ; Ernest R. Ball, music. | George MacFarlane, baritone with orchestra. | Victor. |
In the garden of the gods / J. Keirn Brannon [i.e. Brennan] ; Ernest R. Ball. | Harry Macdonough, tenor with orchestra. | Victor. |
A little bit of heaven / Brennan ; Ball. | Tenor [i.e. John McCormack], with orchestra. | Compo. |
My rosary for you / Amy A. Clark, lyrics ; Ernest R. Ball, music. | Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra ; violin obbligato, Howard Rattay. | Berliner. |
Mother of pearl / McCarthy ; Graff ; Ball. | Lewis James, tenor with orchestra. | Berliner. |
My rosary for you / Amy A. Clark, lyrics ; Ernest R. Ball, music. | Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra ; violin obbligato, Howard Rattay. | Victor. |
You'll be there! / J. Keirn Brennan, lyrics ; E.R. Ball, music. | Peerless Quartet, male quartet with orchestra. | Victor. |
You'll be there / Brennan, lyrics ; Ball, music. | Peerless Quartette, male quartette with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia. |
To the end of the world with you / [Ball, music] ; [Reed, lyrics] ; [Graff, lyrics]. | [Henry] Burr. | Indestructible? |
When Irish eyes are smiling / Ball ; Olcott ; Graff, Jr. | Tenor. | Apex. |
Le joli rêve = [enregistrement sonore] / Let the rest of the world go by Barthus, paroles françaises? ; Ball, musique ; [Brennan, paroles anglaises]. | Hector Pellerin, baryton français avec orchestre. | Victor. |
When Irish eyes are smiling / Ball ; Olcott ; Graff, Jr. | Tenor. | Starr. |
Let the rest of the world go by / Brennan ; Ball. | Lewis James ; Charles Hart, tenor duet with orch[estra]. | |
A little bit of heaven / Brennan, lyrics ; Ball, music. | Broadway Quartette, vocal quartette, male voices. | Columbia. |
I'll forget you / Burns ; Ball. | Charles Harrison, tenor. | Berliner. |
Let the rest of the world go by ; Just love me / Ball ; Roy. | Coleman's Orchestra. | Berliner. |
All the world will be jealous of me / Al Dubin ; Ernest R. Ball. | Charles Harrison, tenor with orchestra. | Victor. |
All the world will be jealous of me / Al Dubin ; Ernest R. Ball. | Charles Harrison, tenor with orchestra. | Victor. |
Good-bye mother Machree / Ball ; sung by Henry Burr. I wish I had someone to say goodbye to / Mohr ; sung by Henry Burr. | Henry Burr, tenor. | Columbia |
Till The Sands Of The Desert Grow Cold Ernest R Ball. | Frank Croxton; Orchestra Accompaniment. | Columbia |
I'll forget you / Burns ; Ball ; the world is waiting for the sunrise / Lockhart ; Seitz. | Theo Karle, tenor, with orchestra. | |
I'll forget you / [words by] Burns ; [music by] Ball ; the world is waiting for the sunrise / [words by] Lockhart ; [music by] Seitz. | Theo Karle, tenor ; with orchestra. | |
Let the rest of the world go by / Brennan ; Ball. | Campbell ; Burr, with orchestra. | |
Let the rest of the world go by / Brennan ; Ball. | Campbell - Burr (tenor duet with orchestra). | |
Turn back the universe and give me yesterday / J. Keirn Brennan, lyrics ; Ernest R. Ball, music. | Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Orpheus Quartet, male quartet with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Turn back the universe and give me yesterday / J. Keirn Brennan, lyrics ; Ernest R. Ball, music. | Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Orpheus Quartet, male quartet with orchestra. | Victor. |
Let the rest of the world go by / Ball, music ; [Brennan, lyrics]. | Campbell ; Burr, tenor duet with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia |
In the garden of my heart / Ball. | Stanley and Burr, baritone and tenor duet; orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia |
In the garden of my heart / Ball. | Stanley and Burr, baritone and tenor duet; orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia |
Let the rest of the world go by / Ball, music ; [Brennan, lyrics]. | Campbell ; Burr, tenor duet with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia |
Let the rest of the world go by / Ball, music ; [Brennan, lyrics]. | Campbell ; Burr, tenor duet with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia |
Mother Machree / Ball. | Henry Burr. | |
A Little Bit Of Heaven. | John Mccormack. | |
Let the rest of the world go by / Ball, music ; [Brennan, lyrics]. | Campbell ; Burr, tenor duet with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia |
When Irish eyes are smiling / Olcott ; Graff ; Ball. | John McCormack (tenor with orchestra). | |
When Irish eyes are smiling / Olcott ; Graff ; Ball. | John McCormack (tenor with orchestra). | |
Let the rest of the world go by / Ball. | Albert Chamberlain, violin solo ; Henri Miro, celesta. | Berliner. |
Let the rest of the world go by / Ball. | Albert Chamberlain, violin solo ; Henri Miro, celesta. | Berliner. |
When Irish eyes are smiling / Olcott ; Graff ; Ball. | John McCormack (tenor with orchestra). | |
Somewhere in Ireland / J. Keirn Brennan ; Ernest R. Ball. | Charles Harrison, tenor with orchestra. | Victor. |
A little bit of heaven (shure they call it Ireland) / Brennan ; Ball. | Charles Harrison, tenor with orchestra. | Berliner. |
A little bit of heaven (shure they call it Ireland) / Brennan ; Ball. | Charles Harrison, tenor with orchestra. | Victor. |
Dear little boy of mine / Ball. | Charles Harrison, tenor with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia. |
Some day you'll come back to me / Ball ; Lamb. | Frank C. Stanley, baritone ; Henry Burr, tenor, duet with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia. |
Who knows? / Paul Lawrence [sic] Dunbar ; Ernest R. Ball. | John McCormack, tenor, with orchestra ; [Francis Lapitino, harp]. | |
My sunshine Jane / J. Keirn Brennan, lyrics ; Ernest R. Ball, music. | Reed Miller ; Frederick Wheeler, duet with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia. |
Mother Machree / Young ; Olcott ; Ball. Come back to Erin / Claribel. | Theo Karle, tenor, with orchestra. | |
Where the River Shannon flows / Russell ; sung by Columbia Stellar Quartette. A little bit of heaven / [Ball] ; sung by Columbia Stellar Quartette. | Columbia Stellar Quartette, vocals. | Columbia. |
Mother Machree / Olcott ; Ball ; [Young]. | Tenor [John McCormack]. | Compo. |
Mother Machree / Olcott ; Ball ; [Young]. | Tenor [John McCormack]. | Compo. |
Mother Machree / Olcott ; Ball ; [Young]. | Tenor [John McCormack]. | Compo. |
My heart has learned to love you, now do not say good-bye / Ernest Ball. | Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet. | |
My sunshine Jane (down beside the weeping willow tree) / J. Keirn Brennan, lyrics ; Ernest R. Ball, music. | Sterling Trio, male trio with orchestra. | Berliner. |
My heart has learned to love you, now do not say good bye / Ball ; sung by Henry Burr. There let me rest / Edwin Greene ; sung by W. Francis Firth. | Henry Burr, vocals ; orchestra acc. | Columbia |
My sunshine Jane (down beside the weeping willow tree) / J. Keirn Brennan, lyrics ; Ernest R. Ball, music. | Sterling Trio, male trio with orchestra. | Victor. |
Roses bring dreams of you / Ingraham. In the garden of my heart / Ball. | Columbia Quartette, male voice [with] orchestra accompaniment [side a] ; Stanley and Burr, baritone and tenor duet [with] orchestra accompaniment [side b]. | Columbia |
When Irish eyes are smiling / [words by] Graff, Olcott ; [music by] Ball. My wild Irish rose / Chauncey Olcott. | Jan Garber (The Idol of the Air Lanes) and his orchestra ; Tony Allen, vocals. | |
When Irish eyes are smiling : from "The isle of dreams" / Olcott ; Craff ; Ball. | Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Victor Orchestra. | |
A little bit of heaven / J. Keirn Brennan ; Ernest R. Ball. | John McCormack, tenor, with orchestra ; [Walter Rogers, conductor]. | |
To the end of the world with you / Ball [and Reed and Graff, Jr.]. Sleep little baby of mine / Charles Dennee. | Henry Burr, tenor colo [with] orchestra accompaniment [side a]; Mrs. R.B. Hard, mezzo-soprano solo [with] piano and violin obligato [side b]. | Columbia |
When Irish eyes are smiling / Olcott, lyrics ; Graff Jr., lyrics ; Ball, music. | Charles Harrison, tenor with orchestra. | Berliner. |
You'll be there / Brennan and Ball ; sung by Peerless Quartette. Don't bite the hand that feeds you / J. Morgan ; sung by Albert Campbell and Henry Burr. | Peerless Quartette, vocals (Side A) ; Albert Campbell and Henry Burr, vocals (Side B). | Columbia. |
Mother Machree / Young, lyrics ; Olcott, music ; Ball, music. | Charles Harrison, tenor with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Mother Machree / Young, lyrics ; Olcott, music ; Ball, music. | Charles Harrison, tenor with orchestra. | Victor. |
America, I love you! / Edgar Leslie ; Archie Gottler. You'll be there! / J. Keirn Brennan ; E.R. Ball. | American Quartet with orchestra [side a] ; Peerless Quartet with orchestra [side b]. | Victor. |
Idle dreams / Gershwin, [George] ; Jackson, [Arthur] ; [J. Keirn Brennan] ; [Ernest R. Ball] ; [Ira Gershwin]. | Harry Thomas Trio. | His Master's Voice. |
You're making a miser of me / Ball ; sung by Henry Burr. Some day you'll be sorry that you're glad / Conrad ; sung by Irving and Jack Kaufman. | Henry Burr, tenor (Side A) ; Irving Kaufman, Jack Kaufman, tenors (Side B). | Columbia |
Sprinkle me with kisses / Earl Carroll, Ernest R. Ball ; [performed by] Edna Brown ; the magic melody : from "Nobody home" / Schuyler Greene, Jerome Kern ; [performed by] Billy Murray. | Edna Brown, vocals (side a) ; Billy Murray, vocals (side b). | |
The world is waiting for the sunrise / Lockhart-Seitz. Let the rest of the world go by / Ball-Brennan. | Morton Downey, tenor ; with orchestra. | |
Goodbye, Mother Machree / J. K. Brennan ; E. R. Ball ; [performed by] Harry Macdonough, Shannon Four. One for all and all for one / Fleeson ; A. Von Tilzer ; [performed by] Helen Clark. | (Side A) Harry Macdonough (tenor) and Shannon Four (male quartet) with orchestra ; (Side B) Helen Clark, soprano, with orchestra. | |
Dear old-fashioned Irish songs my mother sang to me / Harry Von Tilzer ; sung by Henry Burr. She's the daughter of Mother Machree / Ball ; sung by Manuel Romain. | Henry Burr, vocals (side A) ; Manuel Romain, vocals (side B). | Columbia. |
All the world will be jealous of me / Ball. Mother, Dixie and you / Johnson and Santly. | Henry Burr, tenor, with orch. (1st work); Sterling Trio, male vocal trio, with orch. (2nd work). | Columbia. |
I'd rather float through a dreamy old waltz / Camp - [Norton] ; sung by Mr. Stanley and Miss Stevenson. If you'll remember me (from "Ragged robin") / Ball - [Graff] ; sung by Henry Burr. | Mr. [Frank C.] Stanley and Miss [Elise] Stevenson on side A, Henry Burr on side B, vocals ; orchestra acc. | Columbia |
She's the daughter of Mother Machree / Jeff T. Nenarb [sic] ; Ernest R. Ball. My mother's rosary / Sam M. Lewis ; Geo. W. Meyer. | Charles Harrison, tenor, with orchestra. | |
Goodbye, mother Machree / J. K. Brennan ; E. R. Ball. One for all and all for one / Fleeson ; A. Von Tilzer. | Harry Macdonough (Side A) ; Shannon Four (Side A), Helen Clark (Side B) | |
In a dusty caravan / J. Wolfe Gilbert ; [Dave Lee]. Allah, give me mine! / Caro Roma ; Ernest R. Ball. | James Reed [i.e. Reed Miller], tenor, and J.F. Harrison [i.e. Frederick Wheeler], baritone, with orchestra [side a] ; Harry McClaskey [i.e. Henry Burr], tenor, with orchestra [side b]. | |
If it takes a thousand years / Ball ; sung by James Reed, James F. Harrison. In the glory of the moonlight / Wenrich ; sung by Henry Burr, Columbia Mixed Quartette. | Reed Miller (as James Reed), tenor (Side A). | Columbia. |
Will you love me in December as you do in May / [Ernest R. Ball ; James John Walker]. | Haydn Quartet ; Harry Macdonough. | Berliner. |
Peter Pan : I love you / Robert King, Ray Henderson ; [performed by] Henry Burr. West of the great divide / George Whiting ; Ernest R. Ball ; [performed by] Henry Burr. | Side A: Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra ; Side B: Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra (Charles Adam Prince, conductor). | |
The trail of the lonesome pine / Macdonald ; Carroll. To have, to hold, to love / MacBoyle, Ball. | Edna Brown, James F. Harrison [side a] ; Harry Macdonough [side b] ; accompaniment by Victor Orchestra. | |
When Irish eyes are smiling : from "The isle of dreams" / Olcott, Graff, Ball. | John McCormack, tenor, with orchestra ; [Rosario Bourdon, conductor]. | |
You planted a rose in the garden of love / Ernest Ball ; [J. Will Callahan]. Over the Alpine Mountains / Fischer ; [Alfred Bryan] | Henry Burr (side A) ; Henry Burr; Albert Campbell (side B) | Columbia. |
Medley of Irish airs : My wild Irish rose ; When Irish eyes are smiling ; If all those endearing young charms ; That tumble-down shack in Athlone / Olcot[t] ; Graff ; Ball ; Moore ; Saunders [i.e. Sanders] ; [Carlo]. | Harry Thomas Trio. | Victor. |
Medley of Irish airs : My wild Irish rose ; When Irish eyes are smiling ; If all those endearing young charms ; That tumble-down shack in Athlone / Olcot[t] ; Graff ; Ball ; Moore ; Saunders [i.e. Sanders] ; [Carlo]. | Harry Thomas Trio. | Victor. |
Silver threads among the gold / H. P. Danks ; Eben E. Rexford. A little bit of heaven / Ernest R. Ball ; J. Keirn Brennan. | Harry McClaskey. | |
When Irish eyes are smiling / Graff, Olcott, Ball. My wild Irish rose / Chauncey Olcott. | Jan Garber and his Orchestra (The idol of the air lanes) ; Tony Allen, vocals. | |
In the garden of the gods / Ball ; [J. Keirn Brennan]. Sleepy moon / H. Von Tilzer ; [Walter Van Brunt]. | James Reed ( side A) ; Peerless Quartette (side B) | Columbia. |
She is the sunshine of Virginia / Ballard Macdonald ; Harry Carroll ; [performed by] Albert Campbell, Henry Burr. Turn back the universe and give me yesterday / J. Keirn Brennan ; Ernest R. Ball ; [performed by] Harry Macdonough, Orpheus Quartet. | Albert Campbell and Henry Burr (side a) ; Harry Macdonald, tenor, and Orpheus Quartet with orchestra (side b). | Victor. |