No du document (ISN):
Conditions d'accès générales à la collection
- With written permissions / Avec les permissions écrites
- 1. These films had been given to C.W. Woodley.
No d'acquisition:
Date de production:
1936 ?
Compagnie de production :
- R.W. Williamson (Photographer)
Générique (équipe de production):
- photography, R.W. Williamson
- Film depicting people at the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) in Toronto. Opening title reads: "From the Cine library of R. Williamson Jr." This amateur film starts in black-and-white, showing a series of quick shots of: crowds at the CNE; buildings; Ferris wheel and other Midway rides; baboon; young women in frilly dresses on a stage; close-up of the hands of a ticket taker; sign "Ride the Flyer"; point-of-view shots from a wooden roller coaster; more shots of Ferris wheel; views of CNE grounds shot from top of the ferris wheel; close-up of the feet of man on a ride; balloons; poster for the 1936 CNE; and a neon sign at night. This is followed by colour footage of the same approximate time period, showing: statue [of Ned Hanlan]; fountains; huckster; people walking in front of the Food Building; Midway; freak show façades; posters; men speaking into microphones to entice fair-goers into the shows; baboons in costumes; more Midway rides; dancer; children on rides; elephants; children riding on little elephants; more balloons; crowds watching a parade; marching band; people riding on a two-car trolley bus; women and children; more parade scenes; newsreel cameraman Roy Tash filming the parade from the top of an Associated Screen News truck; man with dogs; and more scenes of marching bands. Closes with title "The End". <11mn 39s>
Restrictions à la consultation:
No Restrictions / Pas de restrictions
DSINTRNL - 357228