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19 result(s) found for "Smith, Harry B.".
TitlePerformerGeneric Label
Plain Mamie O'Hooley / [Harry B. Smith, words ; Ludwig Englander, music].Harry Macdonough.Berliner.
Oh, promise me / De Koven.Sung by Harry Macdonough [Side A].
Wedding of Reuben and the maid / Harry B. Smith, lyrics ; Maurice Levi, music.Harry Macdonough.Berliner.
Gypsy Love Song. Harry B Smith; Victor Herbert.Reinald Werrenrath; With Orchestra.
Brown october ale / De Koven.Sung by Oscar Seagle [side A].
Two little love bees / Smith, [lyrics] ; Reinhardt, [music].Christie Macdonald ; Mr. Werrenrath ; Victor Orchestra.Victor.
Two little love bees / Smith, [lyrics] ; Reinhardt, [music].Christie Macdonald ; Mr. Werrenrath ; Victor Orchestra.Victor.
Plain Mamie O'Hooley / Harry B. Smith, words ; Ludwig Englander, music.Robert Price.Berliner.
I got rhythm : from the musical show "Girl crazy" / Ira and George Gershwin ; Oscar Peterson, piano solo with bass and drums. Sheik of Araby / Smith, Wheeler, Snyder ; Oscar Peterson, piano solo with bass and drumsOscar Peterson, piano with bass and drums.
Rob Roy / [Reginald de Koven, music] ; [Harry B. Smith, lyrics].48th Highlanders' Band ; Kilties.Edison.
Song of brown October ale / [Smith, lyrics] ; [De Koven, music].[Frank C. Stanley].Columbia Indestructible.
The wedding of the reuben / [Smith, music] ; [Levi, music].Dudley ; MacDonough.Berliner
Gypsy Love Song. Harry B Smith; Victor Herbert.Reinald Werrenrath; Orchestra.
Day dreams, visions of bliss / [Smith, lyrics] ; [Reinhardt, music].Christie Macdonald with lyric quartet and orchestra.Victor.
Day dreams, visions of bliss : from the spring maid / Smith ; Reinhardt.Elise Stevenson, [soprano], and Henry Burr, [tenor], with orchestra.
Gems from "The desert song" / Harbach, Hammerstein, Mandel, Romberg. Gems from "Countess Maritza" / Smith, Kalman.Victor Light Opera Company, mixed voices with orchestra.
Gypsy love song : the fortune teller / Herbert.Frank Croxton and mixed chorus.Edison
Day dreams, visions of bliss / Reinhardt, music ; [Smith, lyrics] ; [Smith, lyrics].Christie Macdonald with lyric quartet [and orchestra].Victor.
Day dreams, visions of bliss / [Smith, lyrics] ; [Reinhardt, music].Christie Macdonald with lyric quartet and orchestra.Victor.
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