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16 result(s) found for "O'Connell, M. J.".
TitlePerformerGeneric Label
There's nothing too good for the Irish / Jack Yellen ; Jack Glogau.M. J. O'Connell.
I'll return, mother darling, to you / C. Nathan ; E. C. Keithley.M.J. O'Connell, orchestra accompaniment.
Some Sunday Morning Whiting.Ada Jones; M J O'connell; Orchestra Accompaniment.
They all sing Annie Laurie / J. W. Callahan.M.J. O'Connell, tenor, orch. acc.
I love a piano / Berlin.M.J. O'Connell, with chorus and orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
Put on you slippers and fill up your pipe / A. Von Tilzer.M.J. O'Connell, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
I'll wed the girl I left behind / Will J. Dillon.M. J. O'Connell (tenor with orchestra).
The more I see of Hawaii the better I like New York / Gottler.M.J. O'Connell.Columbia.
Send me away with a smile / Weslyn ; Piantodosi [i.e. Piantadosi].M.J. O'Connell, tenor, with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
Dancing down in Dixieland / Abe Olman ; Irving Bibo.M.J. O'Connell, tenor with orchestra.Victor.
Some Sunday morning / Whiting.Ada Jones, soprano ; M.J. O'Connell, tenor, duet with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
You're a great big lonesome baby / Kahn ; Cook ; Whiting.M.J. O'Connell, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
Some little bug is going to find you / Silvio Hein, music ; [Benjamin Hapgood Burt, lyrics] ; [Roy Atwell, lyrics].M.J. O'Connell, tenor with orchestra accompaniment.Pathé.
In the heart of an Irish rose / Frost, lyrics ; Keithley, music.M.J. O'Connell.Pathé.
Whose little heart are you breaking now? / Berlin ; sung by Henry Burr and Albert Campbell. Some Sunday morning / Whiting ; sung by Ada Jones and M.J. O'Connell.Henry Burr, Albert Campbell, tenor (Side A) ; Ada Jones, soprano (Side B) ; M.J. O'Connell, tenor (Side B).Columbia.
Since mother goes to movie shows / McCarron and Von Tilzer ; sung by Peerless Quartette. I love a piano / Berlin ; sung by M.J. O'Connell and chorus.Peerless Quartette on side A, M.J. O'Connell on side B, vocals ; orchestra acc.Columbia.


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