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4 result(s) found for "Macs, Merry.".
TitlePerformerGeneric Label
Tweedle O Twill Gene Autry; Fred Rose.Merry Macs; Instrumental Accompaniment.
Lazy River Hoagy Carmichael; Sidney Arodin.The Casa Loma Orchestra; Glen Gray; The Merry Macs; Murry Mceachern.
Moon Country Hoagy Carmichael; Johnny Mercer.Glen Gray; Casa Loma Orchestra; Merry Macs; With Vocal Chorus; Murray Mceachern.
Moon country / Hoagy Carmichael-Johnny Mercer, [performed by] Glen Gray and the Casa Loma Orchestra with the Merry Macs and Murray McEachern on the trombone. Lazy river / Hoagy Carmichael-Sidney Arodin, [performed by] Glen Gray and the Casa Loma Orchestra with the Merry Macs.Glen Gray ; Murray McEachern ; Merry Macs ; Casa Loma Orchestra.


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