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121 result(s) found for "Conrad, Con.".
TitlePerformerGeneric Label
The continental ; My darling / Magidson ; Conrad ; Heyman ; Myers.Don Baker ; Con Baker.
That's you, baby : from "Fox movietone follies of 1929" / Gottler ; Mitchell ; Conrad.Rounders ; Harold Lambert, vocal chorus.
Bend down sister : from "Palmy days" / MacDonald ; Silverstein ; Conrad.Chuck Bullock's Levee Loungers ; Chuck Bullock, chorus.
The continental : fox trot : from the film "The gay divorcee" / Herb Magidson ; Con Conrad.Angelo Ferdinando and his Hotel Great Northern Orchestra (with vocal refrain).
Walking with Susie : from "Fox movietone follies of 1929" / Conrad ; Mitchell ; Gottier.Eddie Lloyd and his Singing Boys.
That's you baby : from "Fox movietone follies of 1929" / Gottler ; Mitchell ; Conrad.Troubadours.
A dream of you smile / Con Conrad.Blue Diamond Dance Orch.
Walking with Susie : from "Fox movietone follies of 1929" / Conrad ; Mitchell ; Gottler.Eddie Lloyd and his singing boys.
I want my mammy-mandy 'n' me / Breau ; Conrad ; Motzan.Jos. C. Smith and his Orchestra.
Big city blues : from "Fox Movietone Follies of 1929" / Conrad ; Mitchell ; Gottier.Rialto Dance Orchestra (with vocal chorus).
A dream of your smile / Con Conrad.Blue Diamond Danch Orch.
The champagne waltz / Conrad ; Oakland ; Drake.Roy Smeck and his quartette ; Paul Small.
Big city blues : from Fox "Movietone follies of 1929" / Conrad ; Mitchell ; Gottier.Pierrot Syncopators.
Walking with Susie / Conrad ; Mitchel ; Gottler.Pierrot Syncopators.
You can stop me from loving you ; You call it madness / Holiner ; Nichola ; Conrad ; DuBois ; Columro ; Crcgory.Chick Pullock.
I want my mammy-mandy 'n' me / Breau ; Conrad ; Motzan.Jos. C. Smith and his orchestra.
You've got to see mamma ev'ry night / Rose ; Conrad.Tennessee Ten.
Big city blues : from "Fox Movietone Follies of 1929" / Gottler ; Mitchell ; Conrad.George Olsen and his Music ; vocal refrain by Fran Fry.
Continental, or, You kiss while yo're dancing ; My darling / Magidson ; Conrad ; Heyman ; Myers.Don Baker.
Ma / Con Conrad.Van Eps Quartette.
Ma / Con Conrad.Joseph Samuel's Jazz Band.
Breakaway : from "Fox movietone Follies of 1929" / Gottler ; Mitchell ; Conrad.George Olsen and his Music ; vocal refrain by Fran Fry.
You've got to see mamma ev'ry night / Rose ; Conrad.Tennessee Ten.
That's you, baby : from "Fox movietone follies of 1929" / Gottier ; Mitchell ; Conrad.Eddie Lloyd and his Singing Boys.
Moonlight / Con Conrad.Ben Selvin, and his Novelty Orchestra.
She's everybody's sweetheart / Rose ; Conrad.Henry Burr.
She's everybody's sweetheart (but nobody's gal) / Billy Rose ; Con Conrad.Henry Burr, tenor with orch.
Yes, yes! my baby said "yes" : from "Palmy days" / Conrad ; Friend.Hal Swain and his Band.
Mandy 'n' Me / Kalmar ; Conrad ; Motzan.American Quartet, male quartet with orchestra.
The champagne waltz / Con Conrad ; Ben Oakland ; Milton Drake.William Scotti ; San Benito Orchestra ; Herbert Weil.
She's everybody's sweetheart (But nobody's gal) / Billy Rose ; Con Conrad.Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra.
Mandy 'N' me / Kalmar ; Conrad ; Motzan.American Quartet (male quartet with orchestra).
She's everybody's sweetheart, or, But nobody's gal / Rose ; Conrad.Henry Burr.
A dream of your smile / Conrad.Lewis James, tenor with orchestra.Berliner.
Mimi / Conrad.Melody Men.Berliner.
She's everybody's sweetheart (but nobody's gal) / Billy Rose ; Con Conrad.Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra.
The co-ed : fox trot / Bernie ; Conrad.Regent Orchestra.
Hi-Ho! the merrio : as long as she loves me / Brown ; Lewis ; Henderson.The Georgia Serenaders ; Mel. Hughes, vocal chorus.
Hi-ho! the Merrio (As long as she loves me) / Brown ; Lewis ; Conrad.The Georgia Serenaders ; Mel. Hughes.
Heartbroken and lonely / Coslow ; Conrad ; Bernie.Troubadours.
Ma! / Conrad.Champion Jazz Band.Berliner.
Say it again : fox trot from the musical comedy "moonlight" / Conrad ; Friedlander.International Novelty Orchestra.
Palesteena / C. Conrad ; J. R. Robinson.Green Bros. Novelty Band.
Margie : "Introducing June" : fox trot / Conrad ; Robinson.Vernon Trio.
Ma : he's making eyes at me / Clare ; Conrad.Dick Robertson & his orchestra ; Dick Robertson, chorus.
Good night / Wood ; Bibo ; Conrad.Clarence Sherman's Orchestra.
Ma (he's making eyes at me) / Clare ; Conrad.Dick Robertson & his orchestra, chorus by Dick Robertson.
Memory lane / De Sylwa ; Spier ; Conrad.Rex Battle and his Dance Orch.
Oh! Frenchy / Conrad.Arthur Fields, baritone, with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
Oh! frenchy - medley one-step ("Goodbye Alexander" "After you've gone") / Conrad ; Creamer ; Layton.Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra.
California / Conrad ; Friend.Club Royal Orchestra ; Clyde Doerr, director.
Jennie / Friend ; Conrad.Melody Kings Dance Orchestra.Berliner.
Oh! Frenchy Sam Ehrlich; Con Conrad.Arthur Fields; With Orchestra.
Margie and Palesteena / Conrad ; Robinson.Mario Perri.
Little Spanish villa by the sea / Burns ; Young ; Rose ; Conrad.Billy Cotton and his band.
Ritzi Mitzi / Conrad, music ; Bibo, music.Howard's Arcadians.Berliner.
Barney Google / Conrad ; [Rose].The Jazzbo Band.Compo.
Barney Google / Conrad ; [Rose].The Jazzbo Band.Compo.
Barney Google / Conrad ; [Rose].The Jazzbo Band.Compo.
Bend down, sister : from "Palmy days" / MacDonald ; Silverstein ; Conrad.Chick Bullock's Levee Loungers ; Chick Bullock, chorus.
Palesteena Conrad; Robinson.Billy Jones; With Orch Acc.
You call it madness (But i call it love) / Conrad ; Dubois ; Columbo ; Gregory.Phil Spitalny and his orchestra ; Chick Bullock.
Good night / Wood ; Bibo ; Conrad.Master Players.
Good night / Wood ; Bibo ; Conrad.The Master Players.
Good night / Wood ; Bibo ; Conrad.The Master Players.
Margie ; Palesteena / Conrad ; Robinson.Mario Perri, accordion solo.Berliner.
There's nobody home but me / Sam Ehrlich ; Con Conrad.Charles Hart, tenor with orchestra.Victor.
Barney Google / Rose and Conrad.Jones and Hare ;.Selvin's Orchestra.
Barney Google / Conrad.Billy Jones, tenor ; Ernest Hare, baritone.
A needle in a haystack / Magidson ; Conrad.Will Osborne and His Orchestra.
Oh! Frenchy / Sam Ehrlich ; Con Conrad.Arthur Fields (tenor with orchestra).
A needle in a haystack: from "Gay divorcee" / Magidson ; Conrad.Will Osborne and his Orchestra ; Will Osborne, vocal chorus.
A needle in a haystack : from "Gay divorce" / Magidson ; Conrad.Will Osborne and his Orchestra ; Will Osborne, vocal chorus.
The continental : you kiss while you're dreaming : from "Gay Divorcee" / Magidson ; Conrad.Will Osborne and his Orchestra ; Will Osborne, vocal chorus.
Ma! / Clare ; Conrad.Billy Jones, with orchestra.Berliner.
Mimi / Conrad, music ; [MacDonald, lyrics].Billy Jones, with orchestra.Berliner.
Midnight In Paris Conrad; Magidson.Danny Sutton; Dewey Bergman; His Orchestra; And Chorus.
Steppin' out / Howard ; Conrad.Al Jolson ; Isham Jones Orchestra.
Swanee bluebird (Whustling variations, master Billee Osborn) / Friend ; Conrad.Benson Orchestra of Chicago (Under the direction of Roy Bargy).
Jennie : fox trot / Conrad ; Friend.Melody Kings Dance Orchestra.
Lonesome and sorry / Benny Davis ; Con Conrad. Iyone--My own Iyone / Alfred Bryan ; Addy Britt ; Harold Leonard.Rae Eleanor Ball ; John F. Burckhardt.
Margie Conrad; Robinson; Davis.Hoosier Hot Shots.
The Champagne Waltz Conrad; Oakland; Drake.Glen Gray; Casa Loma Orchestra; Kenneth Sargent.
Margie / Conrad ; Robinson.Joseph Knecht's Waldorf-Astoria Dance Orchestra.Berliner.
Margie / Davis, lyrics ; Conrad, music ; Robinson, music.Lewis James, tenor with orchestra.Berliner.
Mon coeur a besoin de votre amour = [enregistrement sonore] / Lonesome and sorry Beaudrt [i.e. Beaudry], traducteur ; Davis ; Conrad.Hercule Lavoie, baryton avec piano accompagnement.Compo.
The continental : (you kiss while you're dancing) ; A needle in a haystack : from "Gay divorcee" / [words by] Magidson ; [music by] Conrad.Will Osborne, vocals; with his orchestra.
It's you / Davis ; Conrad.Lanin's Famous Players.
Some day you'll be sorry that you're glad / Conrad, music ; [Wells, lyrics].Iriving Kaufman ; Jack Kaufman, tenor duet with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
Barney Google / Rose ; Conrad.Melody King's [i.e. Kings] [i.e. Kings] Dance Orchestra.Berliner.
It's you, or, [Margie] / Conrad, music ; [Robinson, music] ; Davis, lyrics.Imperial Dance Orchestra.Berliner.
Dans le sentier du souvenir = [enregistrement sonore] / Memory lane Beaudry, traducteur ; Spier, musique ; Conrad, musique.Placide Morency, baryton avec piano.Starr.
Moonlight / Conrade [i.e. Conrad].Emile Coleman and His Castles by the Sea Orchestra.Berliner.
If I can't sing about my Mammy (I don't want to sing at all) / Lewis ; Young ; Conrad.Al. Plunkett of Capt. M.W. Plunkett's Dumbell's, with orchestra.Victor.
Margie / Davis-Conrad-Robinson.Frankie Carle and his Girl Friends.
I want my mammy : (from "The midnight rounders") / George B. Wehner ; Louis Breau ; [performed by] Peerless Quartet. Mandy 'n' me / Kalmar ; Conrad, Motzan ; [performed by] American Quartet.(Side A) Peerless Quartet, male quartet with orchestra ; (Side B) American Quartet, male quartet with orchestra.
Sweet Siamese / Mary Earl [i.e. Robert King]. He's had no lovin' for a long, long time / Pinkard ; Conrad ; Fuller.Frantzen's Society Orchestra with conductor Henry Frantzen [Sweet Siamese] ; Frantzen's Society Orchestra with conductor Henry Frantzen [He's had no lovin' for a long, long time]
Memory Lane Larry Spier; Con Conrad; B G Desylva.Glen Gray; The Casa Loma Orchestra; Kenny Sargent.
Memory lane / De Sylva ; Spier ; Conrad.Charles Harrison (tenor with orch.).
Mon coeur a besoin de votre amour : Lonesome and sorry / Beaudry ; Davis ; Conrad.Hercule Lavoie, tenor.
Dear, on a night like this / [performed by] W.F.W. Orch.Troubadours, vocal refrain by Elliott Shaw.
C'est une picasse : sur l'air de "Barney Google" / Beaudry ; Conrad.Gaston St. Jacques (baryton avec piano).
Good-bye Alexander ; Oh! Frenchy / Creamer ; Layton ; Conrad.Wilber [i.e. Wilbur] C. Sweatman's Original Jazz Band.Columbia.
You're making a miser of me / Ball ; sung by Henry Burr. Some day you'll be sorry that you're glad / Conrad ; sung by Irving and Jack Kaufman.Henry Burr, tenor (Side A) ; Irving Kaufman, Jack Kaufman, tenors (Side B).Columbia
Memory lane / Conrad ; De Sylva ; Spier.Waring's Pennsylvanians.
Margie / [performed by] Bunk Johnson's Band. Do right baby / [performed by] Bunk Johnson's Band.Bunk Johnson's Band, performers. [Bunk Johnson, trumpet; Jim Robinson, trombone; George Lewis, clarinet; Lawrence Marrero, banjo; Alcide Pavageau, bass; Baby Dodds, drums; Ed Johnson, vocal (side B)]--Cf. 60 years of recorded jazz / Bruyninckx.
Memory lane / De Sylva ; Spier ; Conrad.Rex Battle.
Memory lane / De Sylva ; Spier ; Conrad.Rex Battle and his Dance Orchestra.
Morning will come : from "Bombo" / Jolson.Sung by Georgie Price.
Morning will come / Conrad ; Jolson ; DeSylva.Zez Confrey and his orchestra.
Margie / Davis, Conrad, Young ; [performed by] Jimmie Lunceford & his Orch. ; chorus, Johnny Young. Like a ship at sea / Lunceford, Welcker ; [performed by] Jimmie Lunceford & his Orch. ; chorus, Dan Grissom.Johnny Young, chorus (side A) ; Dan Grissom, chorus (side B) ; Jimmie Lunceford and his Orchestra.
Mon petit radio : [enregistrement sonore] / sur l'air de "Ma", ou, [Ma! he's making eyes at me] Nel, paroles ; [Sidney Clare, paroles anglaises] ; Conrad, musique.Mons. J.H. Germain, baryton avec orchestre, chansonnette comique.Starr.
Mon petit radio : [enregistrement sonore] / sur l'air de "Ma", ou, [Ma! he's making eyes at me] Nel, paroles ; [Sidney Clare, paroles anglaises] ; Conrad, musique.Mons. J.H. Germain, baryton avec orchestre, chansonnette comique.Starr.
Oh! How I wish I could sleep until my daddy comes home / Lewis, Young, [lyrics] ; Wendling, [music]. There's nobody home but me / Sam Ehrlich, [lyrics] ; Con Conrad., [music]Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra (Oh! How I wish I could sleep until my daddy comes home); Charles Hart, tenor with orchestra (There's nobody home but me).
Oh! How I wish I could sleep until my daddy comes home / [words by] Lewis, Young ; [music by] Wendling. There's nobody home but me / [words by] Sam Ehrlich ; [music by] Con Conrad.Henry Burr, vocals (1st work); Charles Hart, vocals (2nd work).Victor.
Dearest : you're the nearest to my heart / Akst ; Davis . Morning will come : from "Bombo" / Jolson ; De Sylva ; Conrad.Georgie Price.
The one I love belongs to somebody else / [words by] Kahn ; [music by] Jones. Steppin' out / Howard, Conrad.Al Jolson, vocals ; Isham Jones Orchestra.
C'est une Picasse : [enregistrement sonore] / sur l'air de "Barney Google" Beaudry, traducteur ; Conrad ; [Rose].Gaston St. Jacques, baryton ; Roland Duchesne, piano.Starr.
The song I love = La cancion que yo amo / De Sylva ; Brown ; Henderson ; Conrad.Waring's Pennsylvanians ; Fred Waring, vocal refrain ; [George Culley, trumpet] ; [Fred Culley, violin].Victor.
Yes! We have no bananas = Si! Se acabaron los platanos / Frank Silver ; Irving Cohn. Bombo. Morning will come = La mananita vendra / Jolson ; De Sylva ; Conrad.The Great White Way Orchestra with vocal refrain by Billy Murray [side a] ; Zez Confrey and his orchestra with Mr. Confrey at the piano [side b].
Together = Unidos / De Sylva, Brown, Henderson. Dear, on a night like this = Oh, en una noche come ésta! / Irving Caesar, Con Conrad.Waring's Pennsylvanians, vocal refrain by Tom Waring [side a] ; the Troubadours, vocal refrain by Elliott Shaw [side b].


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