Item number (ISN):
WOODLEY, Charles Devenish
General access conditions for collection
Reproduction access:
- With written permissions / Avec les permissions écrites
Accession number:
Production date:
1955/1959 ?
Production company:
- Charles Devenish Woodley (Photographer)
Production Credit:
- photography/editing/scenario, Charles Devenish Woodley
- Film of picturesque scenes of water. It shows: water flowing; ice floe; water falls; woman walking along near streams and small waterfalls; small streams and surrounding rocks; more scenes of falls and female sightseer; woman waves to camera as she stands near falls; boy walks in creek; woman standing near water; close-up of water, feet and legs; woman drinks from stream; leaves floating in water; forest; close-up of woman; more scenes of water and rapids; woman wearing red jacket sits and stands near stream; and more scenes of water. <7mn 20s>
Copyright Status:
Under copyright.
Copyright Owner:
- copyright owner : estate of Charles Devenish Woodley
Restrictions on Consultation:
No Restrictions / Pas de restrictions
- 1. Identification of the footage completed with the assistance of Bill Woodley, son of Charles Devenish Woodley.
- 2. Source of title: head title on screen.
- 3. Intertitle says this is presented by C.D. Woodley.
- 4. Also has title indicating that it won the award of merit of the Toronto Movie Club. This title has footage of a yellow rose opening.
DSINTRNL - 352280