Results: Canadian Illustrated News: Images in the news: 1869-1883

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9 result(s) found for "Versailles (France)".
Item Number Title Artist Date
842 The Gardens of Versailles Unknown 1869-12-11
1052 The Apollo Basin, Versailles Unknown 1870-05-07
3759 The Prince Royal of Prussia Distributing the Iron Cross, at Versailles Unknown 1870-12-31
3764 The Octroi Gate, Versailles Unknown 1871-01-07
3792 Hospital Ward in the Palace at Versailles [The War] Roth, X. A. V. O.; W., S. 1871-02-04
3807 King William Visiting the Wounded in the Versailles Galleries Unknown 1871-02-18
4042 Versailles. The Election of President Grevy, by the United States and Assembly of France Deroy, Paquet; Smeeton; Tilly 1879-03-08
4459 The Versailles Fetes Trichon 1878-11-16
4502 Scene in the rue des Reservoirs, Versailles Daudenarde, A. 1871-06-24
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