Results: Canadian Illustrated News: Images in the news: 1869-1883

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5 result(s) found for "Vatican".
Item Number Title Artist Date
897 The Pope Before the Statue of St. Peter Laplante, G.; Petot, J. 1870-01-15
908 Solemn Procession at the Opening of the Oecumenical Council. The Pope Entering the Vestibule of St. Peter's Lix, Frédéric Théodore, 1830-1897; Deroy; Jacob, A. 1870-01-22
914 First Sitting of the Oecumenical Council, Held in the North Transept of St. Peters Unknown 1870-01-29
915 South Transept of St. Peter's Arranged for the Opening Ceremonies Unknown 1870-01-29
1035 Place Saint Pierre, at Rome Unknown 1870-04-23
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