Results: Canadian Illustrated News: Images in the news: 1869-1883

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34 result(s) found for "Prescott (Ont.)".
Item Number Title Artist Date
647 Views in Prescott (Ont.) Unknown 1878-04-27
648 Residence of Mr. J. P. Wiser [Views in Prescott (Ont.)] Unknown 1878-04-27
649 Mr. J. P. Wiser [Views in Prescott (Ont.)] Unknown 1878-04-27
650 The Farm-House: Residence of the Superintendent and Veterinary Surgeon [Views in Prescott (Ont.)] Unknown 1878-04-27
3147 En Route. The Refreshment Room, Prescott Junction, at 1 a.m. on the 4th inst. [ No.1.] [The Session] Kendrick, Charles, Act. 1872-1873; Jump, Edward, Act. 1871-1873 1873-03-15
3457 View of the Prescott Distillery From the River: Cattle Barns to the Right [Views in Prescott (Ont.)] Unknown 1878-04-27
3459 The Fort During the Fenian Raid, 1866 [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-05-04
3460 Portrait of Mayor Buckley [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-05-04
3461 Battle of Windmill Point [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-05-04
3462 Ruins Near the 'Windmill', a Relic of 1837 [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-05-04
3463 The Town Hall [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-05-04
3464 The Windmill as it is in 1878 [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-05-04
3465 The Market Building [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-05-04
3466 The Blue Church. Burial Place of Barbara Heck, Founder of Methodism on the American Continent [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-05-04
3467 Mayor Buckley's Residence [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-05-04
3468 Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated Unknown 1878-05-04
4148 Hardware Store of Mr. Nelson Willard [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-06-01
4149 Residence of Mr. J. McCarthy [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-06-01
4150 Residence of the Late C. H. Peck, Esq. [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-06-01
4156 Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated [Comprising 15 Different Views] Unknown 1878-06-22
4157 Terminus and Works of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway. The Prescott & Ogdensburg Ferry Boat. The Randall Harrow. The Warrior Mower. Woodfield House property of Mr. W. Ellis [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-06-22
4158 The Prescott & Ogdensburg Ferry Boat [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-06-22
4159 The Queen's Hotel [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-06-22
4160 Labatt's Prescott Brewery [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-06-22
4567 Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated Unknown 1878-06-01
4568 Grenville Brewery [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-06-01
4569 Excelsior Fire Company [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-06-01
4570 Residence of Mr. Ed. Smith [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-06-01
4571 New R. C. Church [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-06-01
4572 Residence of Col. Simms, U.S. Consul [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-06-01
4573 St. John's Church [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-06-01
4574 Residence of Mr. J. Cairns [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-06-01
4575 Residence of Rev. G. Blair [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-06-01
4576 Residence of Mr. C. Willard [Prescott (Ont.) Illustrated] Unknown 1878-06-01
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