Results: Canadian Illustrated News: Images in the news: 1869-1883

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6 result(s) found for "Base-ball".
Item Number Title Artist Date
459 The Baseball Grounds at Chicago Unknown 1883-05-19
2044 Hamilton. Base Ball Match on the Crystal Palace Grounds Unknown 1876-06-10
2067 London, Ont. The Tecumseh Baseball Club Cooper, Frank 1876-07-15
2068 International Base-Ball Match Between the Tecumseh Club, and the Mutuals (Professional) of Chicago [London, Ont.] McArthur, J. C. 1876-07-15
3325 London, Ont. International Baseball Match Between the Tecumseh Club of London and the Maple Leaf Club of Guelph Dyer, C. J. 1877-07-14
3690 Hamilton Baseball Match McKay (MacKay), James G., Act. 1873-1875 1875-09-11
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