Results: Canadian Illustrated News: Images in the news: 1869-1883

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11 result(s) found for "Universities and colleges".
Item Number Title Artist Date
565 Montreal. New Presbyterian College Haberer, Eugene, Act. 1872-1891 1876-01-08
992 Hellmuth College, London, Ontario Unknown 1870-03-19
1102 Toronto. The New Knox College Haberer, Eugene, Act. 1872-1891 1873-09-13
2763 Baptist Canadian Institute, Woodstock, Ont. Unknown 1872-07-13
3025 The Normal School [Toronto] Haberer, Eugene, Act. 1872-1891 1872-12-14
3026 The New Building of the Medical Faculty of McGill College [Montreal] Haberer, Eugene, Act. 1872-1891 1872-12-14
3289 Kingston. Queen's College Moore, Arthur W., Act. 1872-1877 1877-04-28
3549 Annual Convention of the Association at Morrin College, Quebec Unknown 1879-11-01
3757 Albert College, Belleville Unknown 1870-12-31
4424 Acadia College, Wolfville, N.S. Unknown 1871-05-06
4493 Trinity College, Toronto Unknown 1871-06-24
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