Results: Canadian Illustrated News: Images in the news: 1869-1883

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8 result(s) found for "Ordnance".
Item Number Title Artist Date
167 Gun Pratice at the Military School, Kingston Rutherford, R. W., Act. 1877-1888 1880-12-18
757 The Midday Gun at Ottawa Jump, Edward, Act. 1871-1873 1872-06-08
1463 Czar-Pushka, the Great Gun in the Kremlin at Moscow Unknown 1874-03-21
2312 Destruction of Condemned Congreve Rockets at Quebec Carlisle, William Ogle, Act. 1870-1886 1871-10-28
2775 "Un Coup de Canon" Daudenarde, A.; Lavec, Jules; Berne-Bellecourt 1872-07-20
3660 Quebec. The Grand Battery, Looking Towards the North Shore of the St. Lawrence Unknown 1875-08-07
3718 Breaking Trunnions off Old Guns on St. Helen's Island, Montreal Carlisle, William Ogle, Act. 1870-1876 1870-11-12
4464 The 35-Ton Gun at Woolwich Arsenal Unknown 1871-06-03
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