Results: Canadian Illustrated News: Images in the news: 1869-1883

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6 result(s) found for "Armies".
Item Number Title Artist Date
1161 Presentation of Colours to the 69th Regiment at Quebec Carlisle, William Ogle, Act. 1870-1876 1870-07-16
1162 Ball Given by the 69th Regiment at Quebec Carlisle, William Ogle, Act. 1870-1876 1870-07-16
1323 Russian Troops Entering Khiva [The Khivan Expedition] Unknown 1873-12-13
1788 Proclamation of Alfonso XII, King of Spain, by Gen. Martinez Campos, and the Army Near Sagunto [Spain] Unknown 1875-02-20
3640 Grand Review on the 13th June, at the Longchamps [Paris] Unknown 1875-07-17
4209 Officers of the Queen's Own Rifles, Toronto Unknown 1878-08-10
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